Youtube, Instagram, Social Media Awareness

I plan on making a video sometime soon it’s just tough with the brain fog, we definitely need to spread more awareness I will do my part in this for sure!

Something I thought would be cool would be to create an Instagram page for members and anyone else suffering from PFS. There are these types of social media groups for sufferers of CF, MS, CP, Cancers, and all other kinds of conditions. @awor @Mew @axolotl @Greek
Does an instagram page like this already exist?

My input for social media: interact with the alternative health crowd.

They are a sizable group with a lot of influence on twitter. And they are willing to talk about these kinds of things. They won’t be skeptical, many already know fin is bad

Hey @Dknighten,

As it happens we have just secured several of the propeciahelp socials and are discussing plans currently to increase activity and content on these. @Greek has made a good start and we recently promoted @Jaime to moderator to be directly involved with this direction. There is sadly an added challenge with this issue in that the disease is about as stigmatising as one could possibly imagine - often comprising sexual and/or mental illness - and men typically dont want to be identified. As a journalist told me recently, anonymity goes over very poorly. Human’s connect with human stories. When they can relate and even like the person. Conversely, we can see that a late member of ours, Matt, by sharing his story on imgur generated nearly two hundred thousand views. It’s very clear to me when the human aspect is shared by a personal story of the lasting effect Fin/accutane/ssri has had on someone’s life and the human being they were and what happened to them (not hawking some cure or something), this can drive awareness in a very positive way. One aim of our socials will be to connect with those with PFS, and hopefully patients who may not be aware of our projects - or maybe what is wrong with them at all. Many members have had long term health problems after the use of these substances and simply never had an answer as to why. A few have told me the info on this site was the first time they connected the dots. Given that these endocrine disrupting drugs cause health problems that don’t always include the ones in the headlines (sexual dysfunction and depression) and don’t make ostensible “common sense”, you can bet there’s many more out there unaware of why their health changed at a certain point in their life.

It’s a good idea. Please contact @Dubya_B, @Jaime or @Greek about this if you are willing. They are currently planning content for our revitalised youtube channel. A big aim for this is to get content there focusing on human stories. The more we can add, I hope the more it will encourage.

We aim to run this operation as professionally as possible, and as such need to prioritise our existing (and in the next phase of our projects, new) relationships with scientists on the cutting edge of endocrine and epigenetic understanding. We also have our close relationship with the foundation to consider. While users can freely share what they feel helped them according to the guidelines, our efforts since the relaunch of the site and all our projects, and @Awor’s for longer, has been to get this issue recognised as the serious medical issue it is and away from connotation with the alternative health sphere. Such associations to our site and projects would negatively impact our ability to reach out and take the issue forward via our planned practical steps.

Thanks guys. Feel free to chip in on ideas for what kind of content could go on an insta - maybe @Jaime can keep an eye on this thread.


That’s a good idea if our goal is to interact with the alternative health crowd. A potentially strong movement by the UK PAS community in 2014 fell apart, partly due to people getting caught up in flushing their livers and living gluten free instead of reporting their side-effects and contacting their MPs.

It provides a false hope in fantasy medicine and carries a connotation that this condition is no more real than the alternative biology espoused by the alternative health crowd.


Sorry, but the alternative health crowd I’m referring to is not voodoo health.

They are objective and empirical based medical and health community. Many of them are MD’s and PHD’s that are currently practicing

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The alternative health crowd is in serious need of re-branding. :slight_smile:

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I believe the MD’s call their practice “preventative health”

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A potentially strong movement by the UK PAS community in 2014 fell apart, partly due to people getting caught up in flushing their livers and living gluten free instead of reporting their side-effects and contacting their MPs.

The people pushing liver flushing and all that trash have no idea what they’re doing. There are people out there who’ve killed themselves after trying all of that. They found nothing, then gave up completely.

We’re offering practical steps to get out of this mess.

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One aim of our socials will be to connect with those with PFS, and hopefully patients who may not be aware of our projects - or maybe what is wrong with them at all. Many members have had long term health problems after the use of these substances and simply never had an answer as to why. A few have told me the info on this site was the first time they connected the dots. Given that these endocrine disrupting drugs cause health problems that don’t always include the ones in the headlines (sexual dysfunction and depression) and don’t make ostensible “common sense”, you can bet there’s many more out there unaware of why their health changed at a certain point in their life.

Wanted to emphasise these parts.

Rings true with my experience in contacting patients - often they don’t know what has happened to them. It takes some time before they finally discover or similar.

I think it’s truest of women, who are more easily turned away by doctors on low libido matters. This is especially relevant to the PAS subset, given the significant number of women taking Accutane.

There’s a mass of patients out there and if we support the gang working on social media, here - we can bring more aboard our vessel. We can connect those dots for people. But even more importantly - we can offer these ‘hidden users’ a visible path out of this mess - through research, and their participation. And that is possibly the most beautiful thing of all - we can empower people.

We should create a youtube channel where everyone can put his face and tell his story. We are too hidden, because we are ashamed because of sexual symptoms. We need to be seen and heard. Stop dying in silence!


I do like this Idea. Like a group youtube channel or something. Where we can each record a video on our own time (showing face optional of course), or receive help from any users on here who have experience with making or editing videos. It would be helpful to link all available research studies and provide links to the PropeciaHelp survey and PFSfoundation website. Something like this would honestly be huge if we could just get some videos out there.

I am more than willing to make a video sitting in front of a camera and telling my story. I don’t think anyone should be ashamed to do this. You could possibly be saving lives down the road. If I would have seen more videos like that, I probably wouldn’t have taken Finasteride. As Axototl said, when you see an actual person in the video talking about it, it makes it a lot more real than just reading a forum.


I am more than willing to make a video sitting in front of a camera and telling my story. I don’t think anyone should be ashamed to do this. You could possibly be saving lives down the road. If I would have seen more videos like that, I probably wouldn’t have taken Finasteride. As Axototl said, when you see an actual person in the video talking about it, it makes it a lot more real than just reading a forum.

@Dknighten, that’s great to see. @Dubya_B, @Luckydevil, @Jaime, @Greek might want to speak with you.


@Dknighten and @Rb26dett what would filming that video look like for you? Would you be open to answering questions such as “when did you take the drug, what symptoms do you have now, what did your doctor say, what treatments have you tried, how has this impacted your life… etc” or did you have a different vision for this video?

Ideally, we’d compile a bunch of users stories up and post them, but I want to hear what your vision is for your videos?

I want people know us like PERSONS, not patients. We are not a number, or a profile on a forum. People must see we were normal guys with normal lives, passions, friends. All around us falling a part with our bodies and doctors ignore us, our obvious hormonal imbalance. If necessary, i will make partecipate my friends and family to witness my odiessey.
I hope sensibilizing help people to put in our shoes, and maybe PFS/PSSD /PAS become public domain…

Yeah, I agree with you! People need to know we are more than forum members, but people with lives, hopes, and aspirations to be healthy and fulfilled men. I’ll reach out to you shortly, friend. Stay well until then.

If anyone else is interested in making a video talking about their story, please comment on here.

The best thing we could do, IMO, would be to gather together in one place and demonstrate under the Merck headquarters. We will not leave until they have admitted their guilt. We chain ourselves and go on a hunger strike. We will all be united, the TV, the newspapers, the social media would talk about us. Merck must necessarily find a way to resolve the situation.


Guys I want to add one thing:

It’s important to create content such as videos (the best tbh) articles, etc

But equally as important is to market it consistently. This way some of them can go viral

Just a thought

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There was a hunger strike at Merck HQ!

yeah, I’ll have to do some brainstorming and organizing before-hand but I’ll basically tell it from the beginning, my personality and neurotic-OCD behavior which caused me to stress about my hair and look for remedies, eventually landing on Finasteride. How effortless it is to get the drug with almost no history checking by doctors, no warning of any side effects besides loss of libido, and the horrific changes I went through. Absolutely everything. The only kind of recording equipment I have is the video camera on my laptop, I imagine that would work fine though.