!!You're foolish if you dont read, MUST READ,must read BOOK!

This book “Healing Your Prostate, Natural cures that work” You can take my advise or leave it, but you are foolish if you leave it. This book will turn mine and others lives around I think. I can’t wait to read more, but I know already, because I’ve read enough already in just ten pages starting flipping from the back. The book is written by Eva Urbaniak, N.D.

I have just started reading this book, but already have learned so much about how and also where else to look to heal from our symptoms. All you others should pick up this book immediately, I am convinced, so we can then all read this together and share discussions and then treatment, healing, together, because basicly I think none of you will regret it.
It even goes into simple hormone and androgen details as well, but mostly will just give you a better understanding of what the deal is, what is going on inside, and what you can do to help you heal from these diseases we all have particularly with our dicks! and basically your, a mans sexual organ.
And if you don’t believe the prostate is your number one, sacred sexual organ as a man, then you really will be looking for a long long time!

I promise you! Promise you all, that this book will probably most likely for all of you turn your lives around and well, at least get you looking in the right direction! It has for me already.
I promise you guys, this is the best thing you can read, especially if you are confused. It is only a ten dollar book. I can’t wait to read more of this book, as well as to couple some of this into my healing while on my 270 mile trip.

I guess I will report more later, when I feel more well, and know more, but either that, or hopefully hear from many of you others as soon as possible, as soon as we all start to discover what will help ourselves as sufferers recover from this Finasteride shock to our prostates, hormones, pelvic region, and dicks!

ps. I’m telling you, don’t even wait for this book if you are suffering from sexual sides and symptoms now still, pay the extra for overnight shipping, this is what I think, you won’t regret knowing immediately, this is what I say its worth the money!

ps. btw I took a Valium finally, once one the other day and felt normal, completely normal for the first time, for about a day, so this is why I know I can recover. I, as well as most of you all still too. ANd I’m not just saying that.
This can take serious serious dilligence however to cure the cystitis, prostatitis, BPH, impotence or ED, libido problems, pain and discomfort, and or biochemical problems even. ANd Do you still even need a doctor to diagnose you with any of these, besides of course with blood test results, but you see you just have to see thats its much much more than that usually.


I’m not sure what to say… thanks for being so enthusiastic in sharing that book with us… beyond the title of the book though, I didn’t get much else from your post. Why is this such a good book? I suggest you list the chapters involved rather than say “I promise you guys its the best book you will ever read” and “you won’t regret it” over and over.

Also… I hate to bring this up but I have to question you on some things now. The fact you have tried coke, valium and other drugs and now claim Valium “cured” you for one day makes me suspicious that you do not have the same problem most others do here, or at least don’t believe you do. I mean really, if it were that easy to recover from this drug’s effects then we’d all be popping such pills left and right and none of us would be here.

What’s a guy with a biology degree doing snorting coke, referencing “chi energy flow”, believing walking and hiking will cure everything, and suggesting we try taking Finasteride again to cure our problem Homeopathically?! Come on, be real! That right there does some major damage to your credibility (in my eyes at least).

I think in the future if you could stick with scientific, proven facts backed by studies that reference your points (ie, observe Hypo’s posts – logical, fact-based) you may have a better chance in convincing people to believe what you are proposing. As it stands you’re all over the map!!!

I’m not trying to slam you personally or the Prostate issue, good on you for sharing the info with us – its just that people have mentioned this site to their doctors and I am 99% certain that if a doc were to browse through your history on this site, they’d probably assume we are all like you and wouldn’t give the rest of us a second thought!! :slight_smile: No offense, it’s just how I see things based on your style of posts and your history. Take it easy.

Well dude, read my post again, and read the book, and then maybe you will understand.
I think you’re just as lost man! None of us know the answer, nevermind doctors, most of which turn away saying they’ve never heard of it, “Next.”

I was taught as a biology major to think objectively, read the scientific literature, but then also come up with other questions, and my own theories, which of course then could be tested for with other research, experimentation, and writing grant proposals and such. However, in this situation homeopathic remedies cannot really be tested for on a large enough scale, funded, and published in a peer reviewed journal, so I guess this means you won’t believe any of it…!?
Dude, I’m sorry you don’t get me?

I know all of our problems are not exactly the same, however I do believe that for most of us it is safe to say, in a nut shell, that it has all stemmed from a term medicos use called ‘prostate disease’, and so this is what I have been reading about, and reading into. The terms prostate cancer, BPH, and prostatitis are used so losely by doctors. It all could be caused by the same thing, and can generally all be called prostate disease.
Prostate problems over time eventually may turn to prostate cancer.

Maybe you should start doing more reading on prostate health, and healing your prostate, some of the miriad of books available on such a topic, and quit ‘grasping at straws’ as you say, because there is no one cure that will work for all of us. Finasteride ‘shocked’ our systems, and caused hormonal and prostate problems which then just clogged our pipes, and shocked our prostates, this is what I would say (in street terms). Many of us suffered trauma from the incident, or the drug’s effect, now it is hard to climb back up, and specifically OUT for good.
Prostate disease can be a devastating illness, which can be very hard to treat. Again read it in all the vast vast literature that is out there and has been written about for centuries.
Heal your body, and especially your prostate gland, and you will probably regain a balancing of hormones and your sexual function.

ps. what, is doing a bump at a party once a year a crime?
How many millions take Ritalin and Adderall daily in much much larger doses??

Also, I was not necessarily advocaing taking fin again to cure, homeopathically. I would be afraid too, and the stuff just now frightens me, however, I was just pointing out an interesting fact, and if someone is not afraid, then maybe could…

See, I am understanding the whole dilemma more and more as time goes on.
This is a drug that most people don’t have big problems with, however for us unfortunate small small percentage, “it got us.” and unfortunately its been hard since the trauma because recovering from such injury to that part of the body within the pelvic region is difficult, especially when you are worried and stressed, and it can then just perpetuate, instead of getting better, and then just become a downward spiral.
I got a lot out of joining that chronic prostatitis forum.

Not wishing to be critical but;

Nothing you have said or done to date seems remotely objective though.

There is ZERO evidence that has been put forward that shows that anything in your book helps anyone who has taken finasteride and therefore no one is stupid for not reading it. Also some of your other theories have also been highly questionable from a medical perspective to say the least.

I think a lot of people are desperate and answers not easy to come by and it drives a lot of people into trying anything and theorizing to the nth degree…very sad.

Whether people like it or not their best shot of getting well lies with the medical community- finding someone willing and able to help.

I read Boston’s posts from time to time to get a good laugh.

Hey Boston, could you put into a message a littlee resume on how to cure our prostates according to that book? Please, please, that would be very beneficial to all of us. Just a litlle summary that´s all I ask.