Your experiences with doctors?

I never went to a doctor, except for other unrelated issues before and after this.

So did I save time and money by not going?

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Back when I first realized that I might have PFS I tried to tell my primary doctor. I explained what little I had learned about it so far, and he knew nothing about it. I wrote the words " post finasteride syndrome" on a paper to give to him and he actually put his hands up in the air and would not take it.

He had no interest in researching it, instead told me to take the problem to my urologist. My urologist was actually an excellent doctor but he had also never heard of it. He was willing to look into it but unfortunately for me he was relocating out of state the next month. The result was obviously no action. Jim


Actually, the urologist prescibed Proscar. After 3 months I knew something was wrong, and he switched me to another Rx.

It was months later that I had an appointment with my primary, with the results I wrote of. I followed up with my urologist then, to find out he was leaving town. I have no idea where he is, and little doubt he lost interest in PFS the day he left.

I cannot blame my primary for PFS, but he was an example of a Dr. who had no interest in a solution. Jim


Here’s my experience with doctors:

I first reported my PFS to my company’s “Health Assistant” which is a one-stop shop for medical plan questions. I asked if they’d heard of PFS and if they could refer me to an endocrinologist familiar with it. They said they had (I think that was a lie) but just gave me a list of endos in my area that I could have found myself on our benefits site. I asked them if anyone else had ever reported PFS and they said no. This outfit still calls me once in a while to see how I’m doing.

Next I went to my GP and described my symptoms. I did mention the propecia, might have even suggested it as related but didn’t insist on it. They sent me for bloodwork and then referred me to an endo even though the bloodwork was mostly normal except for low Vit D. They prescribed me a D megadose which I didn’t fill per this site’s horror stories about it.

Around this time I stopped sleeping and reported it to my GP who prescribed a couple different sleep meds which didn’t work great at first but have become more effective since.

I listed my symptoms for the endo and again mentioned the propecia without insisting on it. The endo sent me for another round of bloodwork and after declaring my levels normal referred me back my GP and suggested treatment for anxiety and depression.

My GP then referred me to a rheumatologist but by now I think they were just out of ideas. It was around this time that my fatigue increased to always and I went in person to the GP to report it and this doc prescribed adderall. She also acted very interested in my whole list of symptoms and sent me for another couple rounds of bloodwork. After it all came back normal she basically said she has no idea where to refer me unless future bloodwork reveals something. I have been reporting new symptoms to her on an online portal but she keeps telling me they don’t point to any known thing.

I asked both the endo and the GP what kind of doctor would deal with disruptions downstream of blood biomarkers and both had no answer. Seems the field of medicine that would even begin to address this has yet to be invented or is in such a stage of infancy as to not be on anyone’s radar.

That’s it…I still have the rheumatology appointment pending, I know it’s a dead end but might go anyway just to see what they say.









