Young people more affected?

Hey ! I have the feeling that young guys are more likely to develop pfs than the older guys. do you know why ? is it because when youre young dht raises faster and crash is more likely?

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I agree mate young guys do seem be hit harder and far more often than the older guys but if you search the BPH forums theirs plenty of guys 50 plus complaining of mainly sexual issues some even refuse to take Finasteride even though they have enlarged prostates.
Some of the older guys say they recovered some say it took a long time and others say they have never recovered and are furious.
This writes off the ironic bullshit that gets spouted off that BPH patients don’t get side effects.
I think the fact that young guys don’t have enlarged prostates and a totally different hormone profile is part of the problem but the real issues are something deeper.



i think its because older men already have low T so fin doesn’t cause as much harm to them as it would to younger men who have high T.

Fin does not effect testosterone levels…It only effects dht levels that basically drop to zero…My testosterone was 376 total before taking fin it didnt do anything it slightly rose on finasteride…

However most have lower free t readings but not the cause of pfs…If your testosterone is too low it can be fatal…

Does T not drop through the floor when we come off fin ?

I’ve noticed that younger people seem more effected too. I can’t find the poll that just came out asking users what their age is, but that would help answer this question.

Anyways, there are 2 reasons I can think of as to why younger people are more effected.

  1. The disease only impacts young men for whatever reason through the unknown mechanism.

  2. Younger people are more likely to take fin and other DHT blockers and this skews the data towards younger people being effected.

Nope…That’s what I thought the crash was…It does not move after stopping…

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I suspect this is the answer.

Yes is correct. I probably developed because too hypersexual. I had therefore very high dht. Now my DHT after PFS doubled to 1750.

I agree that older people already have lower hormone levels so the drop off isn’t as severe. However I imagine older people who take dutasteride and start presenting memory loss, no libido and brain fog get dismissed as being old or even having early onset dementia. Same way many of us get dismissed as depressed.


@JimWildman, @Akiyah, me and some others here are the rarest of the rare, who developed pfs from 5 mg Finasterid for benigne prostain enlargement.


finasteride linked to dementia in older pateients too a few studies i found going over the net

Finasterid destroyes a man entirely. My Live, my Love, my future, my muscles, my mind, my health, my Drive to stand Up and to live, if commiting suicide once the live of my exwife and my little daughter too.

Sorry to hear that… I was so naive to be scared of being bald. I did this to myself. You deserve better you did it for medical treatment. Don’t suicide… its not your fault

The Urologist didn’t Talk about the sideeffects. No one knows pfs. So at least it was my Part to check all the listed sideeffects in the package of the Generica for the original drug, called Finistarid
I didn’t do that. That was the biggest mistake and failure of my live.

And thats the fact of the entire topic: Young people are more affected because of their activ Hormon Levels and sexlive and they are more affected because they are so Young and an entire live is stolen by a well known risk. (Pharma knew IT from the beginning).

And even Propetia is banned once, IT goes on with SSRIs and SSNRIs described totaly legal to little children (allowed by individual treatment in the EU) and Isotretinoin products to very Young Teenagers.

Think it can be close to an endocrine issue or neuroscience issue as well. edit: plus genetics? edit2: you’re right no-one knows about this… it’s also the biggest mistake of my life…

Don’t beat yourself up. Every drug you ever took had 100 side effects listed on a little bit of paper. What’s more, nobody expects to get every side effect, even if they are aware of them.

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