Yellow feces problem

anybody have yellow feces ?

Unfortunately this symptom isn’t uncommon in PFS/PAS/PSSD patients. If you type it into the search bar you’ll see reports of other users with similar problems.

If I’m not mistaken, it’s most commonly caused by gallbladder or liver issues. Have you had any blood tests done to assess your liver function?

yes. my liver enzymes are normal

That’s certainly a positive thing. As is the case with most symptoms associated with this disease, nobody can really tell you why exactly you’re experiencing it. The fact that your liver assessment showed no abnormalities should hopefully ease your concern somewhat.

I’m not sure what tests are available in terms of investigating the function of your gallbladder, but for your next step it might be wise to see a doctor about that if you are able to.

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Unfortunately, doctors will most likely be of no help.

My gastro kept saying my stool changes were due to diet changes. PFS Stool problems are probably caused by gut microbiome changes.

But do go anyway. Maybe they’ll find something.

Yeah lighter colored stools is generally Liver related - something about the bilirubin not being broken down properly makes the urine dark and stools lighter - but again I’m not 100% and I agree this isn’t a common issue on here so might be worth checking in with the doctor

i agree. doctors will most likely be of no help.

Have you recently developed yellow stools?

always yellow

Honestly, it’s hard to say what’s causing it for our case. My stools changed significantly throughout the past 2.5 months.

It turned from immense constipation with poop pellets to diarrhea with undigested food after every meal to mushy yellow stools with undigested food to more normal-looking poop in the morning.

Doctors are completely baffled.
My stools are still far from normal in terms of texture and color, but at least it’s not non-stop diarrhea.