
Good experience - though this is not to be abused. What I’ve seen - complete reconnection to personality, sense of well being and confidence, erectile function. Though does not effect shrinkage. I recommend this product.

Does this mean you have used it?

Yep. But it’s highly addictive. It’s not to be abused.

why did u get it ?

Cause my anxiety got that bad I could not sleep or operate

what country are u in?

Aus u?

So many people have reported significant improvements with this stuff (GHB) and similar meds. This seems to be the most proven substance to at least significantly improve the symptoms of PFS.


Yeah, but you don’t want to have to rely on this product. I recommend Xyrem because it is pure GHB it doesn’t put stress on the liver to create GHB. If people are buying the illegal stuff like 14b your liver has to turn it into GHB and it can be harmful to your liver much more than alcohol. It makes you feel great, high libido, increased intellet and confidence. It’s not a cure and doesn’t last long.

how long have you been on it and what dosage?

concentrate… 1ml to 8ml of water… Took it for a week. Huge errections, felt better read above.

still on or stopped?

I stopped it.

Because I don’t want to rely on it to feel good. It only has a short half-life.

Why did you stop it? It will really help you - that is what I think it does to some guys here:


We should keep in mind the good stuff, instead of discussing all day long.

In my opinion you should stay on it and report what you feel. I don´t think it is excluded that it will repair your sexual function, too. Well, that is not proven. But again stay on it - you are one of 5 or 6 that got it prescribed (your luck). I am trying now about 3 month to get it - with no succes.


I don’t want to have to rely on it, what do you think a drug addict is?

It helps but it’s not a cure, I want to fix the root problem.

GHB can have strong effects on the CNS … It may turn out that it can fix the root problem by its various effects … We just don’t know for sure what the root problem is just yet, so no way to tell for sure.

Okay, so what do you think is the root problem? I know One problem is in our brain - so please do your selve a favor and fix it with ghb. Because ghb is able to fix it.

I’m not a scientist and i’ve been bickered for my sense on what i think is happening, it’s not simple. But with my wikipedia degree and basic biological understanding of how the body works I think there was a problem with our hormonal pathways it’s like if one of your pistons in your engine stop working it’s still going to run, but not very well. From what I can see, my personal problem is low cortisol, high estrogen and low active testosterone. I think the body has a hard time restoring balance of DHT, TEST, ESTROGEN and CORTISOL. As I said all pathways are affected. Until you correct them or say fix that piston in your car it’s going to keep playing up.

High estrogen blocks androgen receptors (even in the penis, if i stand corrected) and low testosterone has a hard time replacing it if test is not being produced at a higher rate than estrogen.

Low cortisol has a shit load to do with our side effects also.

Again i’m no scientist just have a double degree and PHD in WIKIPEDIA, which seems pretty common amongst these forums.

The key is to catch the hormonal balance early. I think the original problem was initially DHT - though this is restored because alot of people have normal DHT levels, my hair is falling out and im growing facial hair again so there is defintley response from my androgen receptors. As for 3adiol g --> i’m pretty high active e2 decreases activity. I’m not sure, i’m not a scientist or have the qualifications to say so.

GHB is by no means a cure. It’s a drug, which makes you temporarily high and aids sleep which can obviously help recovery.

My Two Cents.

I’m sure if i was right someone would of already realised this. But i’m sure there’s more to the picture.