I have seen quite a few improvements with sleep/mental side effects via the use of Xyrem/GHB.

But, what about sexual side effects? Spontaneous/nocturnal erections? Orgasm? Etc.

Also, how many people have benefited from dermacrine sustain, sustain alpha in the sexual department? Do these benefits last after you stop using these treatments?

Do a search here, there are threads about primordial performance products. User CDNUTS used SA and variations of the products and had some benefit. If I remember correctly it worked well until his body shut down DHT production, or something similar, and it needed to be cycled or used infrequently.

GHB seems to really help sex drive a lot in users, but I dont know about PFS if it helps. There have only been a few ppl who have tried…

I am trying to get a hold of some but no luck so far.

I have tried Dermacrine Sustain. I did notice a bit more of a mind-penis connection. But nothing special.

Powdered GHB or liquid GHB?

Is there any risk of addiction/dependency if GHB/Xyrem is taken continuously for a long time (in a similar way as with e.g. benzodiazepines)?

Of course there is, withdrawal can be a very serious matter indeed. GHB has ruined people’s lives like other drugs.


So those who have tried it to combat PFS only did so for a shorter period of time, or? Were they “cured” after that so that they don’t have to take it anylonger?

both paulwalters2006 and ithappens did not need to carry on taking it:

paulwalters2006 thread


ithappens thread


the user ‘italysideffect’ also used it and got good benefits, he hasn’t been around for ages though, so i don’t know what he’s like now

Popo used it, and said it made him hornier and his beard grow quicker.

God damn, why is this stuff so hard to get hold of :frowning:

I noticed he took part in the study… Guess he’s still suffering

I guess it is easy to get a hold of in all the other Anglo-countries like Canada, UK, South Africa, Australia…

I am in the UK and it is incredibly difficult for me to get, but then again i don’t know many dealers.

GBL is a natural precursor of GBH and easy to buy online, at least in the EU. The body automatically converts GBL to GBH. Be careful with the dosing though - you need around one third less GBL than the desired dosage of GBH.

I think I’m going to try GBL 2 times a week after my workout, because I still have sleep problems after weight lifting and I’m feeling very very tired the next day.

Can you recommend anywhere to buy it online ?

I would advise against using GHB for sleep. It may help you fall asleep initially but after around 3-4 hours it gets stimulant-like properties and you wake up. Very often people then take another dose to sleep again and very quickly you have developed a habit that becomes an addiction.

GBL is fairly is easy to get anywhere in Europa - a quick Google search will help. I have not used it myself yet and am very hesitant to do so because it is pretty risky stuff. People have developed serious addictions and some users in underground forums claim it to be worse than heroin.

Used it a few times.

Before Propecia - immense arousal, euphoria and confidence. Fantastic recreational value but difficult to use outside the home.

After Propecia - slight arousal, opiate like buzz. No real after effect to suggest it can be a cure really.

As has been said, it also has huge addiction potential so best avoided. I don’t really see how it can be used to help us here, and many people who’ve abused it have ended up with similar type symptoms.