Because people just get tired of trying to fight the system and their docs to try and get it legally. Especially in a post fin state, it’s just exhausting. Sleep studies, ridiculous amounts of Doctors visits, insurance companies, explaining your situation over and over again and have it fall on deaf ears the majority of the time. Not to mention all the while they can’t even make it normally through their day because of debilitating sides. The whole thing is one big mess.
My sleep could always be better as I had issues sleeping prior to fin which are now maginified in the post fin state.
There have been other people that have tried it and not been cured. “Italysideeffect” is one that comes to mind right away. While it may definitely help with sleep, which is important in it’s own right, I don’t believe it to be the cure.
That being said, I wouldn’t mind experimenting on myself to reap the benefits of better sleep, which would have very beneficial effects and increase the effectiveness of my current regimine. If you would be so inclinded as to PM me your ingredient sources so that I can conduct these experiments, I’d be grateful.