Xmas time for us

I know for some of us xmas is a very difficult time with us no longer feeling connected, belonging, having anhedonia.etc A terrible cocktail especially when our loved ones are coming together and brimming with every emotion we no longer feel even under covid restrictions
For those on the edge this can bring the tipping point. Around this time last year we lost two very brave lads.
If you’re in that mindset right now as I know some are don’t let the PFS mind overtake you, know it’s not real, hang on in there.
The world is better place because of everyone of us and we need each other.to move forward/ beat this. I reach out for support quite regularly even though it feels hopeless and I’m still here
I don’t really want to raise the subject but I worry about others at this time of year.
Continue to be there for each other and if it feels unbrearable over Xmas please reach out we can’t lose anyone else.
Don’t shoot me down this is posted with the utmost of intentions.
I hope all of us get the most out of spending time with our families even if it’ does involve fronting it
God bless and all the best