WTF why is someone from PFSF trying to connect on linkedin?

Can’t find his name now because I think he canceled the connection, but I want to know whose giving my name out to someone with the PFS Foundation trying to find me on linkedin. Why on earth would I connect with a PFSF guy and broadcast to all my colleagues and friends that I have PFS. I almost clicked accept the first time I got the request. That could be career ending and friendship ending. Please stop!

It’ll just be part of their outreach work. Your email address is presumably on file. Nothing to be angry about, if it bothers you just deny the connection and move on.

Pretty certain this is simply a form of spam now being utilized by social media companies. I have had the same thing happen with linkdin invites being sent “from”, but not by, people who would want to keep their anonymity in regards to being associated with sexual side effects of a medication they took.

The PFSF might not even be aware that these invites are being sent.