Hello guys,
it’s been half a year since I took a b complex, magnesium, algae oil (omega 3) and alpha lipoic acid for my neuropathy. I started at the beginning of last august and about mid august I had the worst crash ever, it feels even worse than when my PSSD started:
- the last poor rest of my libido is gone
- I even have erectile dysfunction now, the only thing that was still working
- pelvic floor feels completely “smashed”
- terrible worsening of anhedonia
- derealization/depersonalization
- insomnia
I quickly figured out it must have been the B complex. I had taken all the other sppplements before, even B12 as an injection, but never crashed. Only when I added the B complex. It was a natural extract of tulsi, lemon and guava with the following values per daily ration:
5.5 mg of B1 (500% of RDA)
5 mg of B2 (357% of RDA)
8 mg of B3 (50% of RDA)
9.5 mg of B5 (158% of RDA)
5.5 mg of B6 (393% of RDA)
175 micrograms of B9 / B11 (87% of RDA)
and 1000 mcg hydroxcobalamine (B12) as injection one time per week
I have read the other crashes caused by B vitamins and other methyl donors on this forum and am now terrified of having made myself permanently worse. Have B vitamins now gave me the rest, has anyone recovered from this and gone back to his baseline? What can I try, lithium orotate or sodium butyrate to demethylate again? Come on guys, I only took fucking B vitamins, there must be a solution.