I feel you working in general while going through this is no fun and I even on my better days enjoy interacting with people. Fast food is definitely one of the toughest jobs in general, you have so much to pay attention to all at once, things get extremely chaotic, there is so much to remember, and everyone is miserable. The chaos of it I also wasn’t able to handle, at least in retail you have a little more space to breathe and time to integrate what you learn. Like I can go into my workplace and just automatically do my entire shift without anyone eve telling me what to do. Often my goal is just acting like a normal human enough to get to the end of shift and getting back home. I don’t really get spontaneous boners anyways cause I can control it enough, working with the public over so many days when you’re extremely horny just gives you that super power. Usually those feelings are over shadowed by stress there though.
I’ll keep it in mind, I’ve never tried before because I’ve been lucky with close jobs I can walk to in the past years. Can’t drive due to my sensory and attention issues in a car. I definitely have some sort of undiagnosed neuro-developmental condition but my parents only cared to try forcing me to try to be normal even with my cognitive, social, sensory, and attention problems so I only later when I was so disabled I could barely hold anything together got slapped with schizoaffective and I been stuck in therapy at the clinic since (though at least they’re alright there and a decent therapist). As I got older I only got sicker. If I’m on the correct supplement stack for myself and diet I can appear quite normal but I had to do a lot of experimentation with all of that and my lifestyle to get here. To totally prove how sick I am I’d need to actually make myself even more sick which would be very dangerous as my entire nervous system, immune system, and rest of my body with it would go out the window on me. It’s a tough situation but I still have my current job so I’m trying to just do my thing right now and not worry about this at the moment.