Work advice - urgent please help

Hey guys,

As some of you might know I’m suffering from a pretty extreme crash due to Prozac. Currently in my college town, was taking some time off to just play music and work before graduate school. Unfortunately, I’m now in this situation and my plans have likely changed. I will probably be moving back home with my mother for the time being to focus on getting stable again. My grandmother will be coming from India to spend time with me so I can focus on regaining some semblance of my health. Unfortunately, I signed a lease on a new apartment down here before the crash, when I was mostly recovered. I now have to pay $580 a month in rent. My father passed recently and so my mom is a single mother and it will be expensive for her to pay this off. So I need to find a way to help with finances. I’m in a pretty bad state right now (anhedonia, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, suicidal thoughts), so I would need something pretty calm and chill. Does anybody have any ideas? Thank you

What are the skills you have? What have you done before? When are you available to work?

Could you deliver pizza?

Could you design a website?

Could you teach people a skill?

I graduated college with my degree in History recently. I’ve done a lot of customer service stuff, but I don’t know if I could handle that right now honestly

I think the best thing to do is look at the skills you have, the ones that other people don’t and are therefore valuable and work out how to monetise them, if possible.

What did you intend to do with your history degree? Can you still?

I do not recommend fast food work, especially if you are uncomfortable with customer service. I suggest a long term care facility such as an assisted living facility or a nursing home. It took attention away from my condition seeing people who were much worse off. Sadly, I fled the medical field as a form of protesting after the supreme court passed a ruling affecting healthcare workers that I disagreed with. I was not going to allow myself to be pressured into a “preventative treatment” for a virus I already had.

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