Wider than we think

One of my friends was a big time Fin supporter, actually he introduced me to fin 1st, i clearly remember our first conversation about fin, i told him that i hate medication because of nasty side effects he reassured me that he and some of his friends are taking( i was talking about chemical medication side effect in general to that date i didnt know about fin or propecia) so he convinced me and i went to a dermatologist and he double convinced me … fast forward to my crash i was explaining him a few weeks after my crash how fin is destroying my life he told me his cousin also feel ASEXUAL after taking fin(even after stopping it) and he doesnt feel like to socialize anymore, so i guess fin affects consumers but the level differs from person to person(imao 2% side-effects is pure 100% bullshit)


Who told you? The friend who recommended it? What a great friend.


Yup the same guy, i crashed few years after my first dose, i took a few pills on and off between those years… so back then when he was pro fin his cousin was ok too, aside from that he introduced fin out of ignorance and stupid trust over pharma companies so it wasnt intentional , even now i think he is taking it secretly. But still that doesnt change the fact that he is a shitty friend

I introduced a mate to it and he knows about pfs from me and is still on it. My wife was gossiping with his Mrs and she mentioned after a few glasses of wine, he can’t have sex without viagra. I think it’s far more wide spread than you’d think.


Took me two years to connect the dots. Originally thought it had to do with the NoFap flatline because I did NoFap on and off from 2016-2017. I still think there’s a chance NoFap contributed because it definitely messes with androgen signaling / receptors because 30% of people flatline from doing it. NoFap + saw was a deadly cocktail.

So many people haven’t connected the dots yet and may never connect them, especially if it’s from an evil supplement.

Prior to 2016 when my libido was strong as hell, all I did was go on dates, read books, and meet people. Over the last 3 years I’ve never had a strong urge to masturbate or go on dates. 3 years lost into the abyss


Some1 mentioned on another topic that taking propecia and its symptoms is like the boiling frog fable, mine was kind of the same too, i had some of the symptoms(very mild) while on the medication but i couldn’t figure out what is wrong with me(not to mention the symptoms were so mild, like a lil bit reduction in libido…) but after i crashed and my life was somehow paralyzed then i had plenty of time to connect the dots.


Someone crashed a plane into one of the buildings in downtown Tampa a few years ago. Guess what? They were 16 and on a large Accutane dose.

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Man, i’m suspecting that a friend has PFS too, he has been in depression for many years, and never talks about women and sex, always on friends conversation this themes came to roud, he get silence or changes the theme, he is a litle bald too.
I see a litle of me in his attitudes.
I Will ask for him about propecia, i think he doesn’t know about this condition.
But yeah i think the numbers of guys is bigger than we think.
And they insist that is only a mental thing. I think If anothers doctors says for me that is only my mind i will put a big punch on his face. For god my actually doctor is a open mind guy .

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Also ask him of accutane, minox, and SSRIs

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I was at my sistwrs in South Africa a few weeks ago. I had a massage and got into the pfs discussion again. Guess what, her relationship is falling apart and it turns out he was on a hair loss drug and has most of the symptoms. Thats 5 people now identified via casual conversations. This is fucking mad


I’ve come across two people in my wider social circle that have it. This fucking thing is everywhere.

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I think that’s correct. Ashton Kutcher said he has low T and he’s been on an ar5 inhibitor for 10 years and I don’t think he knows it’s even correlated.

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If I’m not mistaken Ashton Kutcher came off of fin, there’s an interview he did somewhere on YouTube where he talked about coming off the drug due to the side effect profile

Here’s the video he was taking avodart

I think he wanted to get his wife pregnant that’s why he came off and there’s a radio interview, I believe it’s mentioned by someone else here, where he talks about having low T and needing hormone replacement.

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Yeah I’m assuming he’s effected to some degree, the rapper logic seems to be on it as well and he complains about anxiety and panic attacks, this drug effects many people, some get minor effects that they go unnoticed.

I feel ya on the statement on it destroying that guys life. I feel the same way, thats a very proper way to describe what it’s like going through these PFS symptoms. Trying to stay strong. #Lets find a cure!

Hey man, just registered on this forum. I couldn’t figure out how to PM you so I jus figured I would necro this thread, lol.

I heard you had diffuse thinning from accutane? Same here. I’ve been off for 4 months and am still shedding hundreds of hairs a day. I was curious if you had tried an immuno suppressor? I just began taking an immuno suppressor under the assumption PAS is an auto immune response. I’ll let the forum know if the immuno suppressor stops my hairloss. Anyways, just wanted to ask someone who’s had accutane side effects for 20 years what their opinion on immuno suppressors are.

It could make sense as far as the hair loss. I have never taken any type of immunosuppressant.
I think my hair loss (at least on my scalp) might have started with an itch, man it was a long time ago.
I still have a decent amount of hair just receding temples as I get older, but the thickness never recovered right after Accutane. My Derm almost related it to an allergy, so yeah inflammation maybe.
Im actually still looking at all of this right now as to why it happened or continues.
20+ years later.

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Wow man. I keep forgetting you’ve been dealing with side-effects as long as I have. I’m sorry.

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