why would lack of DHT and other male hormones cause numbnes???

Mew had said numbness of the penis head is due to lack of DHT and testosterone. why would it happen? maybe numbness is due to a neurologic problem?
im going crazy… when will i get back to normal??? :frowning:

The dht derivitive adiol g is not only an androgen, but also a neurosteroid. This neurosteroid , as far as I understand, mediates the effects of libido, as well as other anxiolotic effects (ability to feel pleasure). I’m assuming correcting the adiolg level, in correlation with correcting the allopregnanelone level (another steroid) should solve the numbness among other issues. All that remains is finding a doctor to recognize that these are te issues And having them find out the proper way to correct them. I suggest reading some of my post with papers by c. a. Frye on adiol g as well as dr Jacobs recent blog post on this.

Doesn’t it cost a fortune to get that tested? I think if worst came to worst you would have to try and get a few thousand together and go to a doctor that recognizes what your saying. Not something I can do.

Joe - once you lose your health, you realize its far more important than anything else. Money should be a secondary concern. And, if you have a valid reason to have this tested, insurance should pay for it.

Here is the study on adiol-g
