Why some of you think we have interesting condition for scientists/pharma companies?

The title of this thread says it all. I have come across this opinion of several knowledgeable PFS sufferers several times here.

Why is that?

Thanks for the answers.

I think Covid19 might actually help us because it seems to be related to the androgen receptor and there are even trials going on with dutasteride and Isotretinoin as a treatment option, as crazy as it sounds. More research on androgens and the androgen receptor can only be a good thing for us imo.


I agree…

I am also convinced that Covid might turn out to be beneficial for us eventually in terms of accelerated usage of AI in treatments development. I think covid accelerated the whole pharma industry by at least several years. I might be wrong though…


i see you been here for a long time.
registered on 2013.
You haven’t recovered neither improved?
what is your current situation?

Some of my symptoms have definitely improved, to the point where i don’t think about pfs at all so compared to others, I’m trying to count my blessings. I’m definitely not recovered yet but i’m treating my symptoms as good as possible.

@ithought How are you treating your symptoms if I may ask?

If you have ED or lost length/girth, i highly recommend cialis/tadalafil and a device like bathmate. For libido: look into anything that raises or releases dopamine.

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Not sure if there is a correlation or if it was natural recovery, but a few weeks after I started buproprion (wellbutrin), my libido returned somewhat and anhedonia lifted immensely. I’m still on it once per day and am hesitant to taper off, which my doctor wants me to start doing soon.
Apparently, the way buproprion works, you don’t become dependent on it and after tapering your brain maintains the dopamine release (according to my psychiatrist)

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@tricky, that’s fantastic to hear as those are my two worst symptoms. How long have you taken it for and at what dosage?

I’ve been on it for about 5 months I would say now. Dosage-wise, not entirely sure. I get each daily dose in a plastic wrapper they prescribe me with no info on it. If I had to guess, around 150mg? Standard dosage.
I took it to help with the depression initially.

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