Why sex drive is linked to depression

I just came accross this article that I found really interesting. It’s probably nothing that everyone here doesn’t know, but I thought it explained it so well that I wanted to share.

If any of you are still wondering how come an low sex drive can bring us to depression, here’s part of the answer :

[i]The #1 function of any living organism is to reproduce!

It may seem crass but that’s really our number one responsibility in life, to have sex. Without the need for sex, and without having sex, our species will fail to exist. That’s probably why our bodies are hardwired to enjoy sex more than anything else.

There are theories of success, that believe having too much sex makes it hard for any guy to be successful at anything (let alone boxing). Males are driven to have sex; that is their #1 motivation to succeed at anything. The theories further explain that that if males had no desire to have sex (attract females), males would not have become amazing musicians, artists, businessman, athletes, etc, etc. Therefore, by having sex, you lose the desire to have sex, and therefore lose your inner desire succeed…because you already “succeeded” (and achieved the male’s #1 goal).

expertboxing.com/boxing-basi … re-a-fight

If your only complaints are sexual sides, I would just carefully watch and wait, maybe use ED meds, and be happy that you weren’t hit worse like a lot of us here.

I understand what you are saying … As a matter of fact, sexual sides are pretty much “all” that has affected me (along with a mild depression I would say). To me, it seems like more than I can deal with, but I feel for those who must compose with even crapier shit.