Why isn't there an english version of PFS on wikipedia?

As the title says, it’s weird because there’s a big article about PFS ni german:

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Because there are a lot of politics involved with Wikipedia and any English version of PFS was subject to heavy push back from moderators. Thanks to @Sugarhouse and a forum member with experience in navigating Wikipedia politics and rules, there are now clear statements to potential persistent side effects from Finasteride on the Wikipedia page about Finasteride. That was a good win for us.

I urge members here not to go on solo editing missions on Wikipedia. These edits will likely not stick and may generate more push backs to the edits that we have already established.


Nice work @Sugarhouse and team.


There was a PFS page on wiki a few years ago but it didn’t last long.

I’m really glad to see that PFS is acknowledged on the page for Finasteride. I just wish it was there when I was considering taking it. I honestly might’ve still taken it but at least I would’ve been educated about the risk. Instead, I just had the online hairloss community saying everything would totally be fine.

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Just wanted to reiterate @Northern_Star comment above - please avoid solo editing missions on Wikipedia. We’ve worked really hard to get the current edits to stick and don’t want to jeopardise those efforts.


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