Why do you believe Finasteride side effects only occurs to a small percentage

I have a belief that Fin side effects affects all men and the difference in my opinion is as follows
There are men who choose hair over their sexual abilities
Yes they are weird because they have told me that they do have bad side effects (I befriended them because I wanted to find out)

At this point in time it’s virtually impossible to asses the exact percentage of people, men and women, who are suffering from Finasteride-induced symptoms.

Personally, I think there are many, many more than we think out there.

Entirely unsubstantiated claim. I have yet to see evidence that Finasteride caused lasting symptoms in anything but a small minority of cases.

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There’s a lot of truth in this. Because of how anonymous the patient community is and how poor the diagnostic tools and recording mechanisms are, it is virtually impossible to say how many people are living with the condition.

I have yet to see evidence that Finasteride caused lasting symptoms in anything but a small minority of cases.

I think because of the factors above, this will not be known for many years.

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I was more referring to the actual process of realizing you’re dealing with Finasteride-induced symptoms.

Often times isn’t that obvious, considering that a lot of sides aren’t even listed. One of our admin developed significant digestive problems and fatigue after just two pills, and didn’t make the connection until 6 years later when he took another pill and experienced a worsening.

And as far as I know the few studies on the subject focused exclusively on sexual symptoms.

From my perspective is probably safe to assume there are people out there who don’t realize they have symptoms, as well as people who can’t make the connection with Fin.

So, when I hear about the 2-4%, to me that’s the percentage of people who recognize they are dealing with PFS.

@TFD I think this could be applied to just about any pharma medication. My girlfriend who is a nurse that see’s patient’s with health issues says that most of them are on a anti-depressant of some sort. Is there correlation? Perhaps(I believe so but my belief’s don’t matter). We will never know because there’s no studies being done. These pills have a weird way of sneaking up on you & sometimes the side effect’s aren’t as obvious as other’s. I don’t believe there’s any pill you’ll take out there that will be side effect free. Period.

We can make this all about Finasteride but at the end of the day, there will be new members day in and day out until this drug & other’s are eventually off the market(or atleast not perscribed so easily). It’s just too impossible to see how many people are actually dealing with Finasteride symptoms.

It’s likely much larger than 2-4% but that’s just my speculation. I think you said it perfectly. There’s only a small amount that recognize what they are dealing with


My father’s been taking psychodrug for the better part of the past 30 years, and considering the shadow of a human being he is and the list of symptoms he has (that I’m aware of), I sometimes wonder what would happen if he got off them.

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SSRI was once thought to have only a small percentage get sexual issues.

More recent studies however showed it being the majority.

Might be similar with Fin in the future, who knows.

I think everyone get a degree of negative effects, some people just notice them more.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.


I got all sides after I stopped fin. It would be scary to see if everyone would stop fin right now. How many would get these sides.