Why do some get a tolerance to Viagra/Cialis?! What could this mean?!

When I first tried Cialis all I needed was a 1/4 pill and I was a machine. Rock hard and lasted for hours. The effects would last for a few days.

Now after a full pill I hardly feel any arousal. A lot of ppl have complained of getting a tolerance to these types of meds. I recently didn’t take any for over a month, took one and was very happy with the results. Then I took 1 a week later and felt almost no arousal.

Every doctor I’ve seen says you can’t get a tolerance to these meds. I’ve heard a lot of ppl on this site who’ve tried these meds and had a similar experience.

Could this connection say something about what is wrong with us? My doctors immediately dismiss the idea that I have a tolerance to the drug and just say that I should be taking a larger dose.

Any ideas?

I read online that a side effect of viagra is developing a dependence on the drug. It sounds like the same thing. How long has it been since your first cialis pill?

We seem to build tolerance to everything that initially works.

Same experience here- Cialis worked for about the first week. Now, doesnt matter if I take 2.5 mg or 20 mg.

But, in my opinion we all should be taking a low dose cialis.

Agreed. I seem to get tolerance to everything I try. It’s fucking frustrating.

Yep. I have experienced the same proble. The first time i took 5mg and i was freaking out with my penis… I have used about 20 cialis pills in all my life and i can tell tolerance may appear. 5mg doesn´t work out very well for me anymore.

I really dont know, slam me if you want, but could this have anything to do with the immune system?

Tadalafil can improve erectile dysfunction (ED) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men who suffer from both problems, data suggest.

Investigators discovered these beneficial effects when they compared tadalafil with placebo in men with ED and BPH-related LUTS in a phase 3 randomized, double-blind trial. The researchers, led by Claus G. Roehrborn, MD, of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, randomly assigned 200 men to receive placebo, 198 to receive tadalafil 2.5 mg, and 208 to receive tadalafil 5 mg once daily for 12 weeks. Tadalafil is a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor indicated for the treatment of ED.

To be included the study, the men need to have a total International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) of 13 or higher and peak urinary flow rate of 4-15 mL/sec. The researchers evaluated changes in IPSS as well in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) Erectile Function (IIEF EF) domain scores. Researchers presented findings at the 26th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology.

At 12 weeks, Dr. Roehrborn’s group observed significant improvements in IIEF EF with both tadalafil doses compared with placebo. The score improved by a mean 1.8 points with placebo and by 5.2 and 6.5 points with tadalafil 2.5 and 5 mg, respectively.

Significant improvement in IPSS relative to placebo occurred only in the tadalafil 5 mg arm. The mean decrease in IPSS was 3.8 points in the placebo arm versus 6.1 points in the tadalafil 5 mg group.

The researchers also asked subjects to respond to question 3 of the Sexual Encounter Profile questionnaire (Did you erection last long enough for you to have sexual intercourse?). The number of “yes” responses increased by 12% in the placebo group compared with 24.6% and 31.7% in the tadalafil 2.5 and 5 mg groups, respectively. The differences between both of the tadalafil groups and the placebo group were statistically significant.

The researchers also assessed patients using the BPH Impact Index and found that tadalafil 5 mg, but not tadalafil 2.5 mg, was significantly associated with improvement compared with placebo. The placebo group had a 1.2 point decrease in score compared with a 2.1 decrease in the tadalafil 5 mg group.

The most common treatment-emergent adverse events with tadalafil (occurring in 2% or more of patients) were headache, back pain, and nasopharyngitis. Most of these events were mild to moderate in severity. The investigators observed no evidence of urinary retention or adverse impact of tadalafil on orthostatic vital signs.

Source: Link

i been taking calis every 3 days for 4 weeks. it warms up the penis and i am more aware of it so i suppose it imprives sensativity a luttle. for ne it nakes me hard, give me morning errections and spontanioys ones whikst on it. but it does not imprive libido or arousal. it does say that ut doesnt cause aroysal and that u still neec to be stimulated.

Calcium Glucarate may help.

According to members of this forum in regards to the ed medications and tolerance. I’ve just order some and I’m going to give it ago.


Cialis has never worked as well for me as Levitra. I wish Levitra lasted longer like Cialis. Never tred Viagara…

I am now taking Cal D–G. For two reasons:

  1. I believe this does help with ED pills - this is probably due to its gentle effect on liver cleansing
  2. Estrogen - similarly theliver is reponsible for cleaning the body of excess estrogen and C D-G is supposed to help.

If u are on TRT for life like I am then Cialis or Viagra will never lose there potency and the reason I know is the Uro told me…Now I am sure if ure T is low then they prolly will… But if u are on TRT they wont… Google TRT and Viagra or TRT and Cialis