Why do I have to participate in the forum to be able to take the drug servey


I’m from Germany. I’m 42 years old.
I’ve used the antidepressant Sertraline for 5 years. While using Sertraline, I got mild sexual disfunctionality problems.

One month after I quit using Sertraline, my libido was 0%, I had no sexual interests anymore.
When I forced myself to masturbate, I had problems keeping an erection.
Also, I don’t get “morning wood” / nocturnal erections anymore.

It’s been around 3 months now since I quit.

I just wanted to participate in the Post Drug Survey thing, and then an error was shown, and I was asked to participate in the forums first.

Is that really how it’s supposed to be?
I hope I can participate now.



Probably so someone can’t fill out the survey by making tons of new accounts I suppose

First of all, many thanks for joining our community and offering to participate in the survey. The reason we don’t allow people to participate completely anonymously without having ever posted on the forum, is for quality control purposes, so we at least have a minimal idea that the person taking our survey is legit. We are trying to achieve a quality level of data that can eventually be published. You do not have to participate in the forum if you don’t want to, but perhaps you will find interacting with others who are going through the same experience helpful. Danke!