Why did TRT work ... and then stop?

Yeah also my two recoveries (full recoveries without TRT) with hCG + anastrozole and insulin lispro lasted about 8 days.
It seems not directly correlated with the 5 alpha reductase activity because half-life type 1 is 14 days and half-life type 2 is 30 days.

It’s been a long time since anyone said something on this thread, I read the whole thread and basically it comes down to a big argument… well fine but it’s 4 years later and the original question still isn’t answered.

So for anyone who has a new theory on why TRT works for a short period of time pls share it.

Perhaps you can summarise the main points of the topic so people can build on what’s come before, this place is full of repetition.

Is it possible that your first T shot worked because your estrogen levels were high and the T stopped working because you were blocking estrogen with Arimidex? Check out this paper, the author is theorizing that our symptoms are actually caused by estrogen levels being too low. Lots of evidence in the paper to back up the theory.

[https://osf.io/jxnbu/] (PSSD,PFS,PRSD: A perspective for aetiology and treatment)

This theory is written by a narcissistic (his nickame on reddit is sweaty_literature_69) person who claims to have cured PSSD by injecting estrogen levels higher than a transsexual wouldbe injected with. There was recently a thread on reddit of people who ended up badly for following this theory (in hospital).
It has 0 scientific basis. Later on there were people saying that sweaty charged €100 for coaching. Just another guru profiting.
As with everything else, if you have an oestrogen deficiency you will be better off if you fix it, but this theory is nonsense. Look up the scientific relevance of this “author”.

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