Why did HCG stop working after 2 months? (Worked great at first!)

I used a brand called Gonasi which is traditional HCG and used a fresh batch when it stopped working.


Did you get any bloodwork done? Before and during?

Also did you incorporate working out?

Lastly, did you notice the changes when starting/stopping the substances you mentioned used to manage e2 sides?

I lied before, got two more for ya - what were your e2 sides and how did you confirm they were caused by high e2?

I havenā€™t worked out in years, I try my best to have a clean diet. My exercise is just cardio.

I regularly get blood work and it has shown high e2. I must reiterate that Arimidex and Calcium D Glucarate had nothing to do with the HCG recovery as I have used both substances on and off for years.

My main e2 sides are gyno and water retention (bloated)

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Have you tested your progesterone levels ?

I tested it a while ago and it was middle of normal range.

did you workout more before you took fin?

Yes I use to enjoy resistance training and going to the gym in general. Donā€™t seem to have the same strength now and recovery takes a lot longer

For those who are upset that the HCG only bought you 2 months of recovery, look on the bright side. At least you got a couple of months where you felt normal. I tried HCG and had ZERO benefits. I didnā€™t even get two minutes of recovery, let alone two months.

Will HCG work on neurosteroids?

And if you have high normal LH blood reading can you still take it?

I didnā€™t really notice any sides from the HCG, compared to practically everything else Iā€™ve tried.

My urologist put me on 2500iu every three days. Before that I was on 500iu 3x/week. I am seeing much better improvement on the higher dose. On the other hand some people seem to do better with smaller doses. It is possible that doses should be adjusted per individual.
I was surprised when he gave me such a high dose, but pharmacist told me he saw doses of 4000iu twice a week being prescribed.
I am improving with that in combination with ketogenic Carnivore.

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Have you tested your testosterone levels? Normally high levels of HCG would lead to high levels of testosterone, that is if youā€™re not suffering from primary hypogonadism (balls are working).

High levels of HCG can make the Leydig cells less responsive. Would you consider testosterone only?

Itā€™s because he took Clomid additionally.

hi man, updates?