Who have used progesterone?

Id like some input to what your reaction was?

Also like to know where you got it and if it comes in different shapes, natural non natural etc, whats the diff? any special brand?

I know there was some success stories with progesterone but i cant seem to find it. I searched but cant seem to find them?


I tried progesterone.

It had the same effect as finasteride on me, which is not a a surprise because it is supposed to reduce DHT

i took two pills and that was it (i was not able to sleep due to testicle pain and anxiety)

however i might be a rare case

Interesting thanks for sharing.

i m on it 5 mg per day from 1 mouth and i’d say it is helping me (if it is)…anyway i m better … but i wouldn t say it is giving me any sides…

Hi Italy

Thought you were on something else? like pregnonelone or similar.[/code]

yes i also used pregnenolone and it helped me a lot to get out from the zombie / tired situation i was in … but after stopping it i took bloodtests and my androgens were dropped under the ranges(before were inside)…so it sounds strage how it helped me to feel better about energy and sex if my androgens dropped,i don t know the reason…so for this maybe everyone wants to try pregnenolone is better to pay attention…but anyway it helped me to “recover” from my shit situation.

it was all myself prescription,after that i started progesterone everyday cause i read it helps in men too to protect neurological issue so i m still on it and i 'd say i m feeling almost good as i should,it is still rollercoaster but the rollercoaster i m talking about is close to my healty situation (i’m 70% healty)and when i have bad days,now for me means that i m just tired with small brain fog,but still living…before i was letterally dieing …so i dn t know what to suggest you cause i also tried ghb and i ll try it again cause i ve it with me now…all these stuffs helped for me…a lot !!!

more i can add that when i take some tribulus or T booster supplements i can get erections more long and more pleasure and more libido,so i still want to order some sustain alpha soon.

I took Progesterone. It raised my T, but I think it did it because it was blocking my DHT. It helped only for a week right when I quit. Then my T and everything came crashing back down. I think it only helped because it artificially raised my T and then had a brief period of high T/High DHT when I was no longer blocking. As soon as my body sensed the DHT it cut off T production. I would advise against IMHO.