Who has tried a SERM restart?

What was your dosage? Which type of SERM? Where did you get it from? What was your response?

I tried toremifene a few months after initially crashing after propecia cessation. I was on 120mg. My response was fantastic. I was having wet dreams the first night. Incredible amount of ejaculation. I could achieve an erection at will with very little effort. I literally felt like a porn star. This listed a few days then I crashed. Wondering if anyone had a similar experience?

I recently ran Clomid for 3-4 weeks at 25-100mg depending on the day. It rasied my testosterone levels from 99 up to 600. I did not notice a change in mood, sex drive, erection quality, or anything else though. It was Rxed through Dr Crisler.

Hi CrazEpharmacist.

I’ve been waiting for someone like you to come along.

I tried tamoxifen 20mg around 3 months after crashing (2010/11). It cured me completely for 3 weeks, so longer than yourself. I’m talking minutes after the first the pill my sexual, physical and mental function was restored to pre fin levels. It actually seemed better than it ever was - so similar to how you describe it again. It was very easy to get ridiculously strong erections during those 3 weeks.

My second crash hasn’t left me in as bad as condition as the first one but i’m still fucked - how were you after your second crash relative to the first one? I’m assuming your first crash happened weeks after stopping the drug - a sudden shrinking of your genitals accompanied by a drawn out draining feeling leaving you feeling weak and like a zombie?

Did you also feel completely recovered soon after taking your first dose? Did you get an immediate and gradual strong erection together with a warm burning feeling in your genitals? This is what happened to me, after being completely impotent and having the classic shrivelled, tight and lifeless genitals. I felt completely energised and mentally sharp almost instantaneously as well.

I’ve written at length about my experience. Your recovery story sounds very similar to mine so it helps verify my experience for any doubters. More importantly, i’m hoping Awor and his team pick up on this in order to help inform on the possible mechanism of PFS and potential treatments.

One more important thing, how long after crashing did you try the SERM? A lot of people have tried tamoxifen for example with no success, but it seems they tried it long after crashing, say > 6 months. There has been a few reported recoveries of people who tried Clomid soon after crashing. But these recoveries were described as gradual improvements rather than an instantaneous one like myself, so i don’t know how much i trust them basically.

I’m not going to attempt to nail down exactly how SERMs work at the moment. Tamoxifen and Clomid both act on the estrogen receptor but Tamoxifen seems to have stronger anti-estrogenic effects. My Endo told me Tamoxifen wiped out all estrogenic action where as Clomid blocks some of the effects but increases testosterone production more strongly. There seems less info available on toremifene.

There is a drug i want to try at some point called Afimoxifene (4-hydroxytamoxifen). It’s a SERM which is the active metabolite of tamoxifen and is being developed as a transdermal gel formulation. It has up to 100 times more affinity with the estrogen receptor than tamoxifen and is worth a shot in my opinion.

It’s hard to get these drugs legally in the UK and i was lucky to get tamoxifen. Getting Afimoxifene i imagine will be difficult.

Sorry, i now see you tried the SERM a few months after crashing. Very interesting!!

This is all so damned depression to read. I wouldn’t have traded my hair for everything. I was misled into taking this. My life has slipped away with ten pills of propecia, leaving me half alive.

I know how you feel. The regret has been the hardest thing to deal with.

12mg clomid dosed once cured me (3 years after crash ) then my estro rises and i feel bad. Then i take adex and im cured again.

I will try tamox.

I think serms are a way to heal. People overdose. Il be using 12mg clomid or 5mg nolva once a week or every 2 weeks.

It changes the receptors somehow