Those who has visual snow , horrible night vision, double vision, light sensivity, tinnitus, afterimages (aka slow motion vision) i have some valuable informations for you.
Visual snow syndrome symptoms:
Visual snow cause:
After i read these, im convinced that pfs has affected right lingual gyrus and left cerebellar anterior lobe of my brain.
This is a brilliant find thank you for sharing, as someone who has extremely bad eyesight after accutane due numerous visual disturbances, im hoping and quite confident it’s a visual signalling issue, hopefully they can fix whats altered.
Hi all, I got visual snow syndrome after citalopram usage. It developed after cessation. My symtoms are static-y vision, seeing light flashes, afterimages, light sensitivitiy, sound sensitivity, numbness, tingling, twitches. I want to tell a theory I have why these symptoms could have developed.
My theory:
I think the neck is the place where visual snow originates . My belief in that gets stronger. Why else would a guy like in the video below get visual snow AND urinary problems after cracking back? He did not use medication, never had head trauma or anxiety problems.
My theory is that the vagus nerve gets damaged by neck cracking. The vagus nerve is connected to the visual system and to the digestive system as well. The vagus nerve is important for proper cholinergic functioning. Examples of medications and supplements that act as anticholinergic are:
alprazolam (Xanax)
vitamin b6
vitamin b12
-vitamin c
Anticholinergic activity may be the main purpose or side effects of medication listed above.
Now let’s look to the possible effects of anticholinergics:
According to wikipedia:
Poor coordination
Decreased mucus production in the nose and throat; consequent dry, sore throat
Dry-mouth with possible acceleration of dental caries
Tendency to be easily startled
Diminished bowel movement, sometimes ileus (decreases motility via the vagus nerve)
Hallucinated presence of people not actually there
Rarely: seizures, coma, and death
Orthostatic hypotension (severe drop in systolic blood pressure when standing up suddenly) and significantly increased risk of falls in the elderly population.[14]
‘‘The vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system, referred to as the rest-and-digest system . It’s not the only nerve in the parasympathetic system, but it’s by far the most important one because it has the most far-reaching effects.’’
“Ginger prevents nausea and vomiting by inhibiting the vagus nerve serotonin function in the digestive tract”
So, ginger acts on the vagus nerve?? That is why my visual snow symptoms worsen with ginger!
‘‘Ginger can also cause sensitivity to bright light in some people. While the cause is unknown, if you suffer from this issue, many physicians recommend you stop taking ginger immediately.’’
That is why that guy in the video got problems with urinating besides visual snow, I think.
Theory: he damaged the nerve by cracking his back. This damaged cholinergic functioning and so affecting his digestive system, vision and hearing organs. This damaging can also happen by taking medication, which can lead to anticholinergic syndrome!
A lot of people have visual snow after ssri withdrawel. We often think that this damages and alters neuron functioning in the brain. But maybe the damage is neuronal functioning in the vagus nerve??? Damaging the cholinergic functioning.
I know a lot of people will say now: ‘‘the problem is in the the head, there is research which shows hyperexitibility’’ etc… but we need to find the ROOT of this problem. And that may start in the neck.
Sources for anticholinergic activity of medication and supplements:
I have this too, but not the actual snow. I have the “pattern glare” for example looking at this image, it vibrates and shakes. Best example I could find of how my vision is.
@hippydoof@intelligent-mall - i swear there is some common thread between all these ailments. The post drug community (they call it Long Term Comedown, the Long Covid Community, VSS community, etc).
If they can solve long covid I bet it gets us closer to PFS. Luckily they are pouring money into it.
I had really bad shaky vision, motion blur, eye strain, starbursts. Over 5 months and most of those are gone. I still have light sensitivity, after image, and occasional eye strain. I believe it is related to the rest of my symptoms which have to do with anxiety/panic attacks. Prior to finasteride, I never had an of these things in 27 years of my existence. The encompassing nature of this drug is insane. I hope the eye damages aren’t permanent.
Ciao anche io sto sperimentando questo tipo di sintomo stranamente dopo 3 mesi dalla sospensione. I primi sintomi sono stati legati alla DE ed ai dolori muscolari ed articolari che ancora mi porto anche se leggermente minori poi da una settimana a questa parte e’ cominciata la vista appannata la difficoltà alla luce i bagliori la vista sgranata e la fatica a mettere a fuoco gli oggetti in movimento ed anche una certa vista traballante. Tu pensi sia correlata alla finasteride?? Ho fatto una RMI encefalo un mese fa che non ha evidenziato nulla anche se non avevo ancora questo sintomo. Come stai oggi? Grazie