Does any body feels these. Please let me know and what do you think what is causing these all? I think eithter hypcalcimeia or low albumine or both are the causes.
1- numbness and cold in all body especially in hands and feet. I say they become extreemely cold. The only fix is Vit D3 ,it gives me relief for 4 - 5 hours. and then I go back to the same state.
2- bad mouth taste. it happens the same time as numbness in the body sets in. if I let it contineue then first my syliva beccomes bitter, thick and then it starts mixing up with blood. I don’t know where this blood comes from.When I spit I see blood, during the same time testicles start shrinking and takes up weired shape.
Guys this all fixes up by taking some VitD3 I don’t know how VitD3 is helping me, Does anybody have any idea? How long I can keep taking Vit D3 I don’t know.