who feels like this? please have your explaination here.

Does any body feels these. Please let me know and what do you think what is causing these all? I think eithter hypcalcimeia or low albumine or both are the causes.

1- numbness and cold in all body especially in hands and feet. I say they become extreemely cold. The only fix is Vit D3 ,it gives me relief for 4 - 5 hours. and then I go back to the same state.

2- bad mouth taste. it happens the same time as numbness in the body sets in. if I let it contineue then first my syliva beccomes bitter, thick and then it starts mixing up with blood. I don’t know where this blood comes from.When I spit I see blood, during the same time testicles start shrinking and takes up weired shape.

Guys this all fixes up by taking some VitD3 I don’t know how VitD3 is helping me, Does anybody have any idea? How long I can keep taking Vit D3 I don’t know.

Don’t think I have exactly the same thing, but I do suffer from the abnormally cold hands and feet. The rest of my body can be perfectly warm, but my hands and feet will feel almost ice cold.

My feet feel ice cold from time to time, and hands sometimes as well.

My feet and hands are really cold too. If I take 15mg of chelated zinc, it gets worse. I added 2mg of copper and felt warmer, but can’t sleep.

Hands can get really cold, but not all the time. I had put this down to thyroid or cortisol.

The coldness is a huge symptom for me.
My hands and feet are very VERY cold. Even in warm temperatures they are still fairly cold.
My penis is also very cold most of the time.

The doctor told me it may be because of my cortisol levels.
I had my LH, FSH, T3, T4, Cortisol, and free testosterone checked.
My doctor called me in for another appointment regarding the results so something is outta whack. ( They only call back if something is wrong).

I’ll find out in 2 days just exactly what.

I have really cold hands too… but it doesn’t rank at the top of my list of annoying side effects.