guys, ım curıous that whıch symptoms get better wıth fastıng, and whıch symptoms dont affect by fastıng?
Whıch symptoms has most benefıts wıth fastıng?
guys, ım curıous that whıch symptoms get better wıth fastıng, and whıch symptoms dont affect by fastıng?
Whıch symptoms has most benefıts wıth fastıng?
I wouldn’t associate fasting with specific symptom relief. But I would say that its a very beneficial way of modifying your hormones and metabolism. It’s not easy though. I’m doing a modified fast by narrowing my window of time each day to eat. Usually only a single meal a day for me. High protein, low or no carbs, veg. Snacks are protein shakes.
But there are many variations like Juicefeasting, water fast etc. I can only do 4 days on water fast.
Fasting helped me a lot with the mental sides. But it did not do much for my physical and sexual sides.
Mark, you should mention that you only did a 4 day waterfast, that’s (imho) not long enough to make much of a difference. But I could imagine that many 4 day waterfasts would do something, although this hasn’t been tried here I think.
I don’t have sexual sides, so I don’t know what fasting can repair in that regard. But for my depression, digestion, food allergies and muscles it worked very well. And it brought me back real orgasms. Don’t masturbate during your fast and the first orgasm you have after it, will be an awesome explosion in your head, I was totally flashed by it.
Raberduck, are you still on your water fast or you ended it? I’m kind of excited to see your gains.
Living, I’m still on my fast, since 27 minutes it is day 9, I feel good. But I’m not doing a waterfast, it’s more a modified juice fast with 1 glass of fruit juice and 2 glasses of vegetable juice a day, in total the juices have about 150 kcal. Adding these juices made the fast much easier for me, compared to my first waterfast where 10 days was the absolute maximum I could do. This time 14 days seem to bee easily achievable.
I wonder if it makes a big difference if you eat 150 calories per day. Did you read about this kind of fast somewhere or just decided to try that? You’ll probably lose less muscle this way.
My water fast was about two years ago and it was a year after I stopped fin. I made huge progresses since then. I’ll probably do a one-week water fast in the next couple of weeks.
This kind of fasting is also called “Buchinger fasten” in Germany. It was “invented” by a physican called Otto Buchinger in the 1920s who healed his rheumatism with fasting. Concerning the muscle loss I hope the juices help, but I’m also doing light cardio and weight lifting.
I also did a 7 day water fast back in february but the physical benefits I got from that were only temporary . Apart from water the only thing I took was a sleeping tablet because my sleep was so bad.
So, Raberduck, how are you doing? Any improvement from the fast?