Which neurosteroids are we deficient in

Asides from allo and gaba?


@lakehouse per Melcangi

“Data obtained on neuroactive steroid levels also indicate interesting features. Indeed, decreased levels of pregnenolone, progesterone and its metabolite (i.e., dihydroprogesterone), dihydrotestosterone and 17beta-estradiol and increased levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone and 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol were observed in CSF of PFS patients. Neuroactive steroid levels were also altered in plasma of PFS patients, however these changes did not reflect exactly what occurs in CSF. Finally, finasteride did not only affect, as expected, the levels of 5alpha-reduced metabolites of progesterone and testosterone, but also the further metabolites and precursors suggesting that this drug has broad consequence on neuroactive steroid levels of PFS patients.”


I tried supplementing with pregnenolone and it made me feel like I just snorted meth. Energy went up though


You since stopped?

It didn’t do anything for me lol

I have normal levels of dht and estradiol. Unsure of progesterone

Is that common in the bloodwork around here?

Oh yeah, I would only take it like one or two days in a row and would get whatever benefits for like a week