I have hypogonadism and severe brain fog/anxiety as a result of 4 months use of Saw Palmetto. My Endo said my blood work looks “promising” since my LH and FSH aren’t in the toilet. Any advice for me?
Total Testosterone Serum: 374 ng/dL [348-1197]
Free Testosterone (Direct): 10.8 pg/mL [9.3-26.5]
Estradiol (Roche ECLIA methodology): 14.0 pg/mL [7.6-42.6]
Estrogens Total: 69 pg/mL [40-115]
Estriol Serum: <0.3 ng/mL Range Not Established.
SHGB: 21.8 nmol/L [16.5-55.9]
Potassium Serum: 4.3 mEq/L [3.5-5.3]
DHT: 27 ng/dL [16-74]
Prolactin: 8 ng/mL [2-18]
FSH: 4.2 mIU/mL [1.4-18.1]
LH: 5.6 mIU/mL [1.0-12.0]
My Endo has given me some Maca to try and help boost my total T levels, but it’s not help. She is considering putting me on Test cream mixed with Progesterone. I have little knowledge of all of this. Would this seem like a good protocol to try?