Where to buy Anti Estrogens, Clomid, Andactrim etc.

Have we tried all the possible treatments at inhousepharmacy.biz? There is an Alzheimers/dementia drug called Rivastigmin that I haven’t seen mentioned. I’m also thinking about trazadone which I know could put me at risk for all sorts of crazy side effects as well and potentially screw up the lawsuit… but I, personally, don’t care anymore.

If anyone has tried these or has any other recommendations, could you either respond here or PM me? I’m really trying to tackle the mental sides more so than anything else.



TRY the freaking cerebrolysin…god cant nobody use it before freakin january??

just very hesitant to inject something into myself. if it was a pill - i’d take it no problem.

A lot of us belong to the class of people who don’t tolerate drug very well, which is how we ended up here. Injecting yourself with an Alzheimer’s medication you ordered online might not be the best idea.

ok guys…I get what you re saying…but im telling you , this is a medication my friend used it…his dad was a neurologist in atlanta…he was very very very good and professional, do you think he would give his kid something that isnt reliable? think about it

eh… turns out the worst idea i ever had in life was to take brand name medication prescribed by a doctor, purchased at a major pharmacy so at this point - i could honestly care less.

in terms of the cerebrolysin - i have been kicking the idea around. its just the self injecting thing that seems scary. in my brain fogged mind… i’d probably fuck it up somehow and end up losing a limb or something.

searched andractim there, nothing found.

any online pharmacies where to buy hcg 2000 u.l.? On gaver apotheek i can’t find that dosage!!

clomid or nolvadex, which one do you advice? why?

Hi Guys,

I know this has probably been covered some where in the forum but I don’t have time to search at the moment.

Does any one know of any legitimate sources (either UK or Online) where I can buy Proviron or generics and Dostinex or generics?

My Endo is seriouslly pissing me off, accepts the legitimacy of my condition but tells me my Prolactin and Test are in range - so won’t prescribe me anything. I don’t see how at my higest 700ng/ml and lowest 248ng/ml is in range for prolactin but there you go.

These guys are legit and ship international


Let us know if you ever get a shipment.

Hi, i am new here.

In italy it’s possible to buy anti estrogen or sexual drug very easy and often original drug is cheap.

I buy arimidex 28 pills, 100 € .

My question is , in other country , i.e. France it’s possible same things?


All these online pharmacys seem to be very dodgy they say they protect peoples privacy, but when you go to the checkout on these sites or try to register they dont even use https//. There is noway I would give them my credit card number.

I dont think these sites are any safer than buying drugs off the street.

See this…

You guys I posted sites where you can get EVERYTHING and ANYTHING, I just don’t want to keep repeating the same posts, but if you can’t find it let me know and I will post here as well.

You missed the point. It’s not about where to buy the shit. It’s about it not helping.