Where to buy Anti Estrogens, Clomid, Andactrim etc.

Not sure how legit, but might be worth trying to purchase from here. They carry Clomid, Nolvadex, Arimidex, Femera and much more.


I have used inhousepharmacy in the past for several items and have never had a problem.



they’re definately good because the finpecia i got from them is why im here lol

If it is allowed, I really think that there needs to be a sticky for this - a thread with as many online (legit) pharmacies.

Anyone can add them and discuss on topic, but in the list MEW or another mod controls it, surely this makes sense guys? but obviously, discuss here and on other forums, well IDEALLY a doctor what your doing with what you buy.

Here is the site I use for cialis and will be using for other things:


www.inhousepharmacy.com or inhousepharmacy.co.uk

Inhouse Pharmacy are not a legitimate pharmacy, they operate out of some south seas tax loophole state selling powerful shit unlicensed to wannabe transgenders etc. I am here because of them, spamming me to their site selling harmless hairloss pills ‘at a reduced price for the cost conscious consumer’ with no warning whatsoever on side effects.

They’ve been shutdown now or at least not allowed to operate from .com or .co.uk sites but .vu and .biz which gives more of an indication of their shadiness.

Ironically they were closed by legitscript, which I believe might be part funded by Merck or at least some of big pharma. Too late for me unfortunately. I wouldn’t give these fuckers money even if they had the cure.

Your talking shit, idiot. They definitely DON’T work with MERCK - the reason these very useful generic sites get shutdown is because of big pharma. I took my fincar from inhouse, I don’t blame them - it’s not up to them to warn you, there’s enough other sources to warn you of side effects.

WTF are you talking about? I never said they worked with Merck, I said legitscript which shut them down was funded by ‘big pharma’.

There weren’t enough other sources to warn me when I started taking that crap, unlike you who logged on here before you started taking it and thus were fully aware of the potential dangers.

And you’d do well not to call me an idiot you little hypochondriac tosser. I’m still reeling from that PM you sent me when you said you were one of the worst affected. That’s an insult to those of us with proper PFS, not problems with ‘stools’, ‘doziness’, slightly lowered libido etc.

Joe, that was the most stupid comment anyone has ever made on this forum And there have been a few stupid ones. I got a PM from you asking me to be your facebook friend. WTF?!? Can you please leave this forum and stop wasting everyones time.

Mate, be fair.

Firstly, remember one thing, we’re all in this together albeit in varying capacities.

The big thing for me however is that you say you blame your supplier for the sides due to lack of warnings? Come on.

I dont blame unitedpharmacies at all. They are an online pharmacy that sell DRUGS in their generic form for our convenience and saving. They just offer it, along with 100’s of other potent drugs. It’s up to the buyer to exercise their diligence; you don’t just commit to a drug that affects your hormones without atleast having some idea of potential sides. If you did do that, completely blindly, well i guess you have to blame yourself for not at least googling the drug you decided to take for the rest of your life, no? Some of us knew more than others, granted, blame the likes of Merck who many of us relied on for their “clinical studies”

These websites sell drugs like arimidex etc too, strong drugs that need to be watched closely. If i take any other drugs from these places ill take it upon myself to exercise the necessary caution, its not up to them, ultimately. Just like you shouldnt blame a bar for selling you alcohol or a shop for selling you cigarettes.

Just remember, finasteride is simply a generic of propecia. Merck are the ones that pushed this channel of usage. Blame them if you want to blame someone.

Ultimately i blame myself and i imagine most people on here do also.

Wise words from Colin there, I meant pretty much the same but I got a bit over excited maybe because I am tired of what luckfax says.

I don’t blame inhouse for 1 second, like the other hundreds of sites they just listed the ‘lies’ that merck tell, why would they do any different?

I think Colin’s comments were directed at me though he quoted Oscar. Fair enough if you buy drugs online you should be fully aware of the risks, but it’s hardly unreasonable to be reminded of the sides. You said you bought from united pharmacies, they do this unitedpharmacies.co.uk/Finpecia_Finasteride__1mg_10_Tablets_p_343.html I also have a problem with pharmacies using domains like .com or .co.uk when they are based a million miles away in a tiny tax loophole state.

What makes it worse with Inhouse is that they spammed users to a site called ‘naturalhair.com’ where they sold proscar alongside hair thickening shampoo, rogaine etc. They also advertised dutasteride as a ‘FDA approved pill’, yeah but not for hairloss. I would’ve realised I was dealing with hardcore pharmaceuticals, and stopped, had I known they also sold transgender hormones, anti-psychotics etc… on the main Inhouse site. Then of course no mention of sides.

Legitscript rightly shut them down, had they done it two years earlier I’d be out living a normal life.

To stretch your shopkeeper analogy it’s more like an underage kid being offered half price beer and cigarettes no questions asked.

Essentially it’s wrong to promote online pharmacies on this site, particularly if they are not internationally registered like the one mentioned already. Many of us found it all too easy to buy fin and that’s why we ended up here. I know it’s likely many of us will have to look to buy other hormonal medications privately to deal with the consequences but we can do that ourselves.

(Plus Inhouse prices were a total rip-off, about 1/3 dearer than United)



I have tried the cialis, viagra, and the modalert - all legit , and very very good.

Anyone else have some suggestions?

Looking for someone who ordered and received quality Cialis. Tried 10mg the other day and it was ridickulous. Didn’t help my problem with delayed orgasm, but, I was hard at will… all day and night… the next day… and 2 days later.

It’s not covered by my work health plan. Four 10mg tabs are $68.

I think next time I will try 5mg. If it’s not enough, I wouldn’t mind trying a cheaper online pharmacy that will deliver to Canada.




In onset of gyno…I’m looking to get hold of some andractim but that allsaintsclinic place will only ship to the address of your bank card, i’m currently not at that address and wont be for around two months, how can i get hold of some? Thanks.

Where’s the cheapest place to get cialis?

This is the place I got all my supplies from while I was still messing around with hormones :wink: (It’s just one of those phases that seemingly everyone needs to go through for a while before moving on)


Very good, cheap and totally serious. Never had a problem with them.

PS: I’m just about getting ready to chuck out about 25 tubes of Andractim. Already threw away all of my supplies of Proviron, Nolvadex, Femira, etc. So don’t buy too much of you favorite poison :wink:

But for all those who still believe that your 5AR2 is “dead” (I’ve been there too), I can highly recommend to get a tube of Andractim and rub it onto your dick. Doing so was a highly enlightening and quite depressing experience for me…

Really, no mention of alldaychemist (alldaychemist.com)?
Cheap, quality indian generics of pretty much everything
Things I have gotten from them and worked fine (remember, india can make cheap generics because its law does not recognize patents on pharmaceuticals, but they do have pharmaceutical companies that produce with a high quality standard, research cipla for instance) :
sildenafil citrate (viagra), vardenafil (levitra), tadalafil (cialis) , trental (pentoxiffyline), tamoxifene (nolvadex), clomiphene (clomid), exemestane (aromasin), anastrozole (arimidex), HCG (worked GREAT), ropinirole (requip), selegiline (deprenyl), donepezil, hydrocortisone (havent used yet though), T3 (havent used yet either).
All legit, the only one I havent noticed any really noticeable effect from was the trental (pentoxiffilyne) but you arent really supposed to (especially since I havent any real peyronies, but I use it as prevention and for blood flow to the penis).
I am getting cabergoline from them now
Yeah, I, know, and I still use most of these drugs right now…

The choices for Canadians, are limited. Alldaychemst and now reliablerx seemed to stop shipping here.

Say it aint so! :frowning: