Whats ur opinion about it?

I contacted to a doctor who gaved me that asnwer:
“thank you for your request and sorry for my delayed answer. Mental problems in PFS-Patients in my opinion are based on a damage of intra- and intercellular neural signalling, which has more in common with Parkinson´s disease than with depressive disorders. It is very often accompanied by chronodisruption. From this hypothesis we start our diagnostic. The problem is, that your biochemical identity is unique, so diagnostic findings and therapeutic strategies may differ considerably from other patients.”
I m very scared about it, to develop some mental dissease due to finas dmg…

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Sorry dude, but if you are afraid to develop a mental disease becuz of PFS, then you havent understood PFS yet…PFS is 90% mental disease and 10% sexual dysfunction (At least for me)…
Ppl fixating on their di** problems are the number one reason why this Syndrom is not getting enough recognition (Again at least IMHO).


@Hadenought PFS can have both sides of mental side effects: cognitive and psychological. When something affects the brain, any functioning of said brain can be changed or damaged.

It will be interesting to see what kind of approach or treatment this doctor would suggest (even if such treatment does not yet exist).

People who only have sexual issues are obviously going to focus on their di** problems, are they not? What, are they just supposed to shut up so people with mental sides can be heard?


Have some mercy man. People who commited suicide were not someone with di*k problems. These problems are mild enough to be ignored and move on in life but mental and physical are not, it’s devastating for whom suicide can be the only option. If i had just some sexual problems, i would not even come to this forum. But according to me the physical, mental, sexual problems -all are connected to each other and that is: androgen receptors.


A guy on this forum did commit suicide because he was impotent. It’s not a competition about which sides are worse. I was impotent and brain fogged up, and I was about thinking about suicide everyday for about 2 months just from those.

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I am talking about just impotence, not impotence with brain fog. Then it’s probably a psychiatric problem if someone commits suicide just becoz he was impotent. There are millions of naturally impotent people in this world, but only few people who got devastated with severe physical and mental sides due to a cosmetic drug. Even with sexual problems u can play sports, go on a world tour, can love ur wife/family. I don’t feel any emotions and motivations for all this and i am bed bound. So for me anyone who commits suicide just becoz of impotence is a crook, but i don’t believe anyone will do it just becoz of impotence.


Why is there such an obsession with downplaying the sexual side of peoples symptoms on this forum. To suggest you wouldn’t even be on this site if you ‘only’ suffered d**k problems is absolute nonsense. If your penis shrivelled like a prune after 3 weeks of taking a hair loss drug and you become impotent i assure you, you’d still be in the exact same place as you are now, searching for answers.
The only comprehensive literature I’ve seen written of late by doctors was under the headline of ‘PFS’ ,the 2 cases in Argentina, both of which were suffering mainly sexual and penile dysfunctions. So yes this symptomatology IS pfs. Try to understand and accept this.
The only thing holding the community back from getting answers is the infighting and bickering of who has the worst side effects.
Its simple in my eyes, If you are on this forum you are a sufferer and should be treated as such.
Do you think cancer patients have similar debates? Does the person with lung cancer tell the person with breast cancer to go live their life, your survival rate is much higher/my cancer is worse than yours?
I doubt it.
Lets not try to walk in each others shoes lads
Peace out :facepunch:t3:


Of course there are people who are suffering more than others, but this is a forum for all sufferers of finasteride or other substances, be it physical, mental or sexual. Dismissing those who ‘only’ have sexual sides I don’t think is very fair. We are all suffering on different levels. And we all have a right to voice ourselves on this forum

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Yes we are all in this together. On one hand though I do feel like more awareness needs to be given to the mental/physical aspects of pfs. Wether it’s right or not the average person is not very sympathetic towards a sexual problem, especially a male sexual problem.

Look at some of the comments on pfs articles on the daily mail that mainly talk about the sexual aspect. Loads of comments making fun of our sexual problems. It’s socially acceptable to make fun of men’s sexual health problems.

Making fun of the mental/physical problems we face just wouldn’t ever happen. But most people are unaware of how serious the other aspects of pfs are because 90% of the focus goes to the sexual sides.


Totally agree mate . Every aspect of the condition is important. Awareness needs to be raised on all fronts!

I just doesn’t sit well with me when guys suggest they would continue with their lives with ease if it was only sexual symptoms they suffered with. Almost trivialising it. Prolonged sexual dysfunction will naturally breed mental health issues i.e depression/anxiety.

With regards to the daily mail article, i was involved with this. And yes i agree with what you’re saying, it should of covered the wider aspects of the condition. Ultimately mens sexual health sells, its click bait. If you expected the daily mail to produce anything other than this you don’t know much about this particular news outlet. ‘Boner killer’ sells.

The mental/cognitive sides of the condition need to focussed on more than ever ! But alongside the sexual ones, not as a substitute.

I take it as an insult to suggest people with mainly sexual/penile symptoms to almost be the lucky ones. Not a single person who partakes on this forum got lucky.

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Agreed. All aspects of pfs should be given awareness whether it’s sexual, physical or mental/cognitive.

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