Have you guys heard about people in their 50s getting PFS?
I have not. Note that I would bet in that group the usage of DHT/or 5-alpha-red blockers are more common, for prostate “health”.
My dad has been taking proscrar since his mid 50s, he grew some of his hair back but that is not why he took it (he wasn’t aware of the connection).
He took proscrar, Duta, you name it, and I asked him several times: ANY side effects? He said none.
But this is one example. I am just wondering what the theory is regarding this affecting the younger folks. People in their 50s have dicks, have libido, some have libido as high as in their 20s-30s, they do get insomnia, they do get depression, so they are not immune to any of the sx. Yet, no PFS for them?
I was a CPPS suffered, and the evidence is that CPPS happened early age (20s-30s) and went away early to mid 50s. I am probably oversimplifying here…