hey guys, im new here and i need your help.
ive been taking finasteride for 6 months as a hair loss treatment but i am off for over a year now due to low libido.
still, i have a very low libido and i just dunno what to do about it.
the doctors ive been to couldnt help me either.
my question is, are there possibilities to come back to normal besides waiting? like taking viagra or something?
i even considered taking finasteride again, since my libido is not going to be normal anyway i will at least have hair…
Don’t go back on fin. If your body is recovering by itself it will only set you back.
Try tribulus (a natural supplemet that boosts testosterone) weights and cardio, a healthy balanced diet and avoid masturbation and artificial stimuli (porn) until you start to feel better andhave done for at least 3months.
This is what I’m doing, if it doesn’t work then I’m off to see an endocrinologist to get blood work done and talk about htpa restart protocols.
There is plwnty of info on this site that gows in to more detail about the things I’ve just told you.
Hope this helps
Regular exercise, especially weightlifting. Plus some supplements like gingko biloba, tribulus, horny goat weed and royal jelly will give you a kick. Use cialis or viagra to achieve rock hard erections.
Cannabis is also very good for libido, if you are partial to a little smoke
please don’t go back on fin. it was my second use that screwed me up. before you know it, it may be too late. so dont make the same mistake.
also if you can, just minimize your masturbation. i think i overdid it in the last 2months since i became really horny and cant fight the urge. now i lost nocturnal and morning wood it has been 2 weeks now. it started on the 3rd month after quitting, i guess i crashed, hopefully its not and this would pass.
Exercise, and yeah use the supplements mentioned. Don’t worry too much about it, as far as I can see the less severe your sides are the more likely you are to recover/have supplements etc actually work. And your sides is, to be fair, almost nothing compare to what some of us are experiencing.