What should I do? Advice needed

Guys this is not a sob post I literally do not what to do and how to cope. I got PSSD from Escitalopram when I was 21 years old. I gave it almost two years time to heal naturally without almost any improvment. I recently tried trazodone and bupropion with only temporary improvments, but I had to quit because of side effects. I still suffer from complete loss of libido, numb genitals and pleasureless orgasms as well as from severe emotional blunting (I can’t cry, laugh, I weirdly can’t form positive memories anymore, I just “exist”). As unfortunately I didn’t see improvment from time I don’t know what to do really. For me this is not a state to live in. I am now for the first time in all of my PSSD “journey” genuinely worried about my future. What should I do? Accept this state? Can it still become better? How can I cope with this? :frowning: Thank you in advance!

I don’t have advice, just empathy. Psychiatrists are never going to stop prescribing this poison because it’s basically their entire career. What a joke of a profession, just prescribing shit that they don’t fully understand and if it kills a few people that’s an acceptable risk to them. Don’t take trazadone, that also killed a few members here.

Thank you for the reply. Yeah I don’t even comprehend what has happened to me. Apparently I have to say goodbye to my sexuality for ever now (I still hope it will come back tho, however I am not so optimistic). Ironically the emotional bluntness saves me a bit, I think I could not handle this if i had normal emotions…