What is the point if you lost your sexuality, emotions, pleasures, joy, no motivation, limp dick. How to live without these Basic human needs??? How to interract people?? Im out off the the human society without these things. Anyone feel the same??? How could you do your life ???
I feel exactly the same. Numb to the world and in pain / turmoil around the clock. For every sufferer that chose to leave this world because of the extreme suffering I feel nothing but sadness. What if they checked out just before their bodies were going to turn a corner. What if a cure is found. With this behind you the world would be the most amazing place just to feel normal again. Nothing else would come close to regaining that feeling. Never give up, with hope anything is possible.
How long you suffer?? How many years?? Same symptoms like me? Im suffering 5 months ago. I dont see the light. It is terrible. It is too complex problem. I think impossible to find a cure to this nightmare…i think we have to figure it out how can we live an absolutly different life like before this happend… I think the best decision is living in small groups somehow
Give it time many recover or improve significantly within 24 months. I’ve been in this forc2 decades but did not make the connection as there were no groups / forums / literature etc at the time. I continued taking it on and off for approx 15 vears oblivious to the cause. If I’d stopped early on I’m convinced I’d be in a much better place. Once triggered continued use of 5 ars can be catastrophic.
Can you work?? Can you go to the street between people easily??
When it hit me I was terrified I thought i had schizophrenia of some brain related disease but the accompanying physical problems told me i was not losing my mind. That was in 1999. I’m still here and have a locker full of related problems. Every side you find on here i have. If I can live with it anyone can. You have time on your side so hang on to that
You are amazing!! Are you living alone?? Can you feel happiness with all these symptoms??
I left work and I’m afraid to go outside but the fear is worse than the reality. I’ve lost most of the people i had around me. Only my sister gets it but she lives in another country. For the ones who remain that I chose to keep they are very passive I use them for escapism and try not talk about pfs too much as you end up on the hamster wheel trying to convince people how bad this is no matter how well or bad I articulate it no one ever understands and that in itself feeds the pfs demons and only hurts you.
I used to feel it on occasion but not now repeated use put pay to that. I split from my wife but she tries to be here for me but she struggles with it all so its a case of hiding it as best i can. I retreat from the world when in crash status (when everything is through the roof) and wait it out until my baseline returns which is awful but survivable. I left work almost 3 years ago
Hello I’ve send you a PM
22years…when I was 1 old,it is unbearable. real man
I’ve found meaning in other things in life, and am convinced that one day I will be back to my old self. That’s the hope that keeps me going. I like to think this is only temporary, and there’s a lot to look forward to on the other side.
You will also likely find some natural improvement in time which eases the immense suffering many experience in the early days. Hang in there.
I’m at the same point. Meanwhile it is half a year I enjoy my new live, with fatigue, Impotence, loosing my stunning super sexy woman, muscle loss and deep depression. Most of the time I denye my new existence and think this is not my live. It’s s movie or a nightmare and I wake up on February and don’t take the pills.