I have no idea if it’s so bad that I actually have to avoid eating it, or that it’s not that worse as people may implicate.
What are your opinions and @mods, what do you think with what you’ve seen over time?
Asking because the dinner I’m currently making includes soy which I didn’t see before buying it. It’s not the biggest part of it, but not the smallest either. It’s a chinese recipe.
I also read that oats where of the same phytoestrogenic qualility, have been eating oats and powdered oats, but haven’t noticed any changes so far. What are your thoughts on it? Haven’t restricted myself considering diet, unless I know it caused 5ARI. Which none of the foods I ate had of sufficient effectiveness. Although soy is something I avoided from the start.
Is it that oats have less phytoestrogens in it? Or does soy have a specific and different anti-androgenic quality?
Very curious. Decided not to eat the meal and freeze it up for tomorrow maybe.