What is best option to activate NMDA receptors in pfs? Glycine , any other supplements or drugs? Thank you.
Been looking for months now…Nothing really convincing…
Only thing that might work a little bit would be Sarcosine or D-Serine (Here a caveat as it might do kidney damage on the long run)…
After the drug that was supposed to work as Sarcosine failed trials, im not convinced that inhibiting glycine reuptake is the right way to activate NMDA.
I can refer you to my post where i discussed NMDA hypofunction as a possible mechanism of PFS.
All experimental but I’m on the same path and trying to figure it out. Here is what I learned and my recommendations so far:
The amino acid L-Glutamine converts to glutamate. glutamate binds to and agonizes the NMDA receptors
NMDA receptors is the bodies main excitatory neurotransmitter
NMDA receptors need glycine “to open” which allows glutamate to bind to them. Which is why glycine is a “co agonist” of the NMDA receptors.
As previously mentioned L-Glutamine converts to Glutamate and the Glutamate agonizes the NMDA receptors. Glutamate formed from
l-Glutamine also makes GABA which is the bodies main inhibitory neurotransmitter
In theory if the GABA receptors and NMDA receptors are functioning properly and if the path ways that turn L-Glutamine into glutamate and GABA then supplementing L-glutamine should end up giving you a proper amount of Glutamate and GABA balance. Not saying that we can’t simply end up with too much “unneeded” Glutamate and GABA by taking unnecessary amounts of L-Glutamine. What I’m saying is that I think that if the GABA receptors and NMDA receptors are functioning properly I think that even with too much GABA and Glutamate nothing crazy would happen to us. We would probable just pee out what we don’t need.
However, in my opinion if we take L-Glutamine and we get horrible insomnia or if we get horrible PFS like sexual sides or if our horrible PFS type sexual sides improve then in my mind this points to a GABA receptor or NMDA receptor imbalance or possibly both.
Maybe a good test is to take L-Glutamine and see what happened’s. Maybe even take glycine with the L-Glutamine to increase the likelihood of agonizing the NMDA receptors. So you can see what happened’s when you agonize the NMDA receptors for the better or worse…
Having your neurotransmitter test results would be helpful as well so we can try to find patterns in the amount of GABA and glutamate in our urine . Pattens among us. If we both have low glutamate in our urine and then we can increase the amount of glutamate in our urine with L-Glutamine and X happened’s I would say we found a pattern
There are other patterns we could possibly find as well if you get the test
So can you tell about your protocol?
I crashed bad on L Glutamine last year.
I took if for four days 5g per day and it took me six weeks to recover
So probably pointing to neurosteroid issue in me.