What If Elon Musk Had Pfs & Hired His Own Team?

For shits and giggles :smiley: and to forget about suicide etc…I wonder what it would be like today if Elon started his own research into pfs back in 2012? And had a team of research scientists on his payroll with all the latest genetic equipment and technology and billions of dollars at his disposal?

Musk has around 230 billion dollars and it’s growing 100% and is predicted to be the world’s first trillionaire by 2027…I just don’t mean funding the studies I mean if had the original samples of victims and done everything in house with his own team controlling everything with none of the red tape and politic crap of these institutions…

Do you think they would have figured it out by now? Musk had a hair transplant that’s obvious as he was almost bald in the front 25 years ago but I never heard if he takes finasteride or not…

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We’d be home free…

Funnily enough I’ve had 2 separate messages this week saying if we only had someone like musk in our corner.


You ain’t shitting Laz lol :laughing: It would be pocket change to him he couldn’t even spend the interest off his money it’s growing so fast…

I read the other day if Musk spent 1 million dollars a day, every day, every year it would take over 600 years for him to go broke :laughing: :rofl:

And he would be mad as hell to if he got this disease so he wouldn’t be bound by these rules off medical institutions they just continually research around the clock…

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credo che abbia altre forme di dipendenze ma penso anche che possa aver provato la FINA prima di ricorrere al trapianto in fin dei conti la sua calvizie risale a diversi anni fa quindi non è da escludere che l’abbia provata. magari è stato uno di quelli che si è ripreso subito e non ha avuto particolari effetti collaterali

I can’t say for sure, but I’m leaning towards a much better spot than we are in today. I’d love to contact him with some of our stories if it were possible. Anyone who is currently on this medication, which he most likely is, has a vested interest in solving this. No way people are taking Finasteride 60+ years from now meaning meaning millions of people are at risk to develop this condition eventually.


He would be given an expensive and so-called “experimental drug”, requiring him to sign a nondisclosure agreement, it would cure him, and you never would know a thing.


Makes me wonder how many of these special experimental drugs exist out there only available to people with billions of dollars and their own team of medical staff that work specifically for them. I mean they also have a higher chance of recovery because they have access to only the best food, environment, and lifestyle. Many go insane due to the power of having that much wealth and self destruct though. If I had a million dollars I’d get a nice smaller place in a perfect area for me and rebuild my life from the ground up.

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He wouldn’t have a treatment either I dont believe but we would all have a scientific explanation by now…it would be understood and explained and provable with merck heading to the courtroom…

It would probably take elon musk to go up against merck…but cure or treatment??? I have my doubts…

I think we are all going to be ok

Remember, artificial intelligence doubles it’s abilities every 6 months

That’s an astounding progression. Exponential curves are hard for people to understand. Things progress slowly and then just go verticlal. Remember the story of the peasant who was offered any wish from a king? He said he wanted one grain of rice on a chess board square. Then 2 on the second square, then 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. It seemed like a small request until the king realized he would have to give the man more rice that what existed in the world.

By 2030 AI will be smarter than the smartest human. I’m pretty confident that AI will be able to solve this and we’ll just take an MRNA shot to put us back to normal.