I will consult my theory with a truly professional in the matter ( No more urologist, endocrinologist, general medicine, nor even neurologist) I believe this is need to be consulting with an specialist on Neurobiology.
I will strongly recommend to everybody stop experimenting with any type of drugs and even supplements, until we consult this matter.
It this theory is true, It going to be a shameful for the international medical community that WE with OUR EFFORT (I say this because I believe that WE ALL participated ) where who find the cause of the issue, even we don’t have all the details of what sub-type of GABAA receptor or receptors are affected, but at least we are in the right track.
I know that this finding if true this is only 1/2 of the issue ( for those that do not are producing DHT at all, the problem probably is related with the AR, and the Baylor or the other study in Italy can come with the answer for it).