What Explains the "Crash"?

What explains this extremely bizarre phenomenon? I personally crashed over a month after I ceased the drug. What is the main hypothesis behind this phenomenon?

I think it’s something to do with having overexpressed androgen receptors because of the reduced dht which when it fully returns its a shock and a bunch of hormonal reactions to the symptoms.

That makes sense… but then why is this crash phenomenon also present in those who take SSRIs? To the best of my knowledge SSRIs don’t inhibit DHT. And also why does the crash sometimes occur many months after ceasing the drug? DHT would have rebounded long prior to the crash in those cases, no?

Also, some PFS patients never experience a crash

They don’t inhibit 5AR, but they increase the enzyme 3a-HSD activity which metabolizes DHT.

So while fin deplete DHT by inhibiting it’s formation, SSRI depletes it by increasing it’s metabolism.

Interesting. But why does the crash sometimes occur many months after ceasing the drug? DHT would have rebounded long prior to the crash in those cases, no?

Also, some PFS patients never experience a crash

I have no idea and also I am one of those who never crashed.

I would have thought far more researchers would be interested in studying such an insane and curious phenomenon…

As long as doctors claim it’s psychosomatic that will temper interest in unsolicited research.

The only thing that throws me off about this theory is there are guys who were on steroids at some point during their finasteride usage. With the increase in DHT from the steroids you would think these guys would crash while on the finasteride due to the overexpressed androgen receptors being bombarded with DHT but they didn’t crash until after quitting the finasteride.

Not sure what you’re saying but bodybuilders / AAS users don’t use DHT.

DHT derivates =/ DHT. A person using steroids and finsteride would not have higher DHT (intracellular) than a normal person as fin inhibits close to 100% of the 5AR type 2 and 5 alpha reductase is the limiting step unless you’re hypogonadal.

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Interesting. But wouldn’t a high dose of testosterone lead to higher DHT? Like if you have 5x the normal amount of testosterone it’s going to convert to DHT.

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