What does everyone think

Right here we go my analogy on this. I’ve been doing a lot of research on long covid, brain Injurys anything that give these symptoms and I strongly believe that this I caused by neuroinflammation. So what happens is these drugs break the blood brain barrier down and cause a brain injury once this has happened it the brain becomes inflammed which causes autoimmune and keeps spreading hence the progression. If your early stages you can try steroids to put out the Inflammation and this will stop further damage if it’s left I believe it keeps causing damage. If you look into what scientists have done with long covid they can see the brain shrink and the low grade inflammation. The inflammation is causing the brain damage. I bet every has some type of head pressure, like a tight band around your head or the feeling concrete has poured into your head that’s the inflammation. If you look at tbi or abi it happens with them too. I’ve looked into future treatments for neurogenesis which is what we need to treat this. There is a lot going on for future treatments if you look into brain injury but I’m not sure how far away we are. What does everyone else think