What do you guys do for a living ? are you worried about your finances?

What do you guys do for a living? PFS affects all aspects of the sufferer’s life, myself, one of my main concerns is my finances in the long run since my state fluctuates, i am a software developer, PFS hugely affected my ability and i can’t step up my game, i am struggling to keep my job, it kept me from becoming a stable/senior developer due to concentration/fatigue/… issues so i am not making substantial $$$ at all. feel free to share your thoughts and stories. Thx

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My PFS adventure began in spring '19, and I retired and went on social security in fall of '20.

During that first 18 months my PFS was not as severe, and I fortunately was assigned to a “low physical impact” position at the factory.

It was after my retirement that I had a crash that still keeps me miserable. This is not how I planned to spend the free time of my senior years! Jim


hey Jim, sorry to hear that, and it’s unfortunate that we get to know each other under this very unfortunate circumstance, i am in my 30’s and have been struggling with PFS for 5 years-ish, i was in university when i crashed, i had to change my school due to PFS symptoms, i had to switch to an online school, i am not gonna say you are lucky but i guess you are luckier than me, i mean if i had a choice i would pick near retirement crash over a crash in the mid-20s. God bless you


I’ve always worked since 6th form pfs started taking me down in 2000 I noticed my abilities were sliding. I managed to keep going another 19 years, From approximately 2008 things became really bad with my memory, judgement, drafting and much more. I had a very good reputation so called in favours etc. I made the connection in about 2018. No matter what I tried I couldn’t shake the worsening symptoms I left not long after. Fortunately my financial state is OK and I have a company pension which I tapped very early taking the hit. The purpose of my message is to say that I kept it going for 18 years and along that journey I had some really terrible patches but continued going for my sanity, self worth etc.



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There’s already a work megathread but looks like it got buried so I’ll post an anecdote here.
I’m a cloud services engineer at a big corp and they make us take these online integrity trainings…conflict of interest, harassment, diversity and whatnot.

One of them…harassment maybe?..had a scenario where an older guy with chronic illness was taken off high profile assignments and put on easier tasks. His manager told him it was to make things easier for him even though he wanted to do the high profile stuff. The takeaway was that the manager was engaging in discrimination.

I don’t know if PFS comes with a dose of paranoia but I swear the dude looked like me (a healthy version at least) and the scenario was very similar to something that happened to me about a month ago where I was sidelined from an important role while juggling doctor appointments. It wasn’t malicious, I could have insisted on the role but I couldn’t in good faith promise that I’d be up to it…this was before I got on adderall and was on an unchecked mental downslide.

The factors in my life leading to PFS were so perfectly orchestrated from a very young age that I can’t help but think it was sentient (was I Hitler in my last life?? I’m sorry!!) and stuff like that just adds to the paranoia.

Not worried about finances, I have no family to support and live in a smallish condo. My plans to upgrade this situation hit the PFS wall last November and shattered into dust so instead of buying vacation property and lavishing gifts on women I just buy gas and groceries. And medication refills. What a life.


i feel the same about my crash too, now that i am looking back at it, the series of events; looks like it was a drama/dark comedy, don’t know man, I keep hearing people saying that everything happens for a reason, i would love to know what the reason of my suffering n torture is(except for my stupidity and the FDA being a complete MOFO).