What Cialis dosages do you guys use?

For those of you who use cialis and it works for you, is 5 mg enough?

Also, any recommendations on where to buy it?

I’ve been taking 10 MG every other day for a long time now.

Have bought the generic stuff from here a few times now: indianpharmaonline.com/buy_cialis_en-us.html

Is it reliable? How long does it usually take for them to deliver?

I started by cycling between viagra, cialis, levitra and HGW. Taking something almost every day.
Three and a bit years on i take 5mg of cialis every 5-7 days, the longer i have gone on the less i need.

I have had the same girlfriend for that time and could count the number of times i have failed on one hand. Usually i take a pill about 4pm, and am good to go any time after 8pm.
I never buy generics which makes it quite pricey.

2.5 mg a day.

Tim are u on TRT because I am and u are saying Cialis daily works for u??? 5 mg and how long has it been working meaning it never loses potency??