What blood tests should I be getting?

Hi guys, long time lurker.

After being off Fin and dealing with bad PFS for the past 2 years, I am deciding to go finally see a doctor and get tests done.

What hormone tests and other blood work should I be testing for?

There isn’t a reliable blood test for pfs, but you might take a look at those tables.

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I’d get the basic ones to see something is not off. Like male hormonal panel and thyroid.

It’s mostly money down the toilet as there is no reliable way to measure PFS through blood work. At least not yet.

Better save the money or spend them on research.


This ^

The purpose of blood tests isn’t to detect PFS. They’re to rule out other treatable conditions that may have similar symptoms (like hypogonadism or diabetes). To that end, I would just describe all of my symptoms to a doctor and let them select the tests.

With that being said, I would be surprised if any doctor wouldn’t at least check testosterone, thyroid stimulating hormone, and fasting glucose. Those cover a huge swath of endocrine and metabolic conditions that could otherwise explain a typical PFS patient’s complaints.