what about this PCT by Dr Scally

I am thinking of running this as it seems the more I naturally boost test the more I shutwon!


Go ahead, you took fin and dutas for years, don’t know why this would scare you. There must be a reasonable chance it could work given your lack of serious symptoms.

I sense and undertone of annoyance in your words or it could be my fucked hormones making me hyper sensitive. Anyway if you had sagittal synostosis you might try to manage side effects for years too rather than being pointed out as some freak for the rest of your life.

I’ve been bitten so I am now shy, ok with you!

Shutup Luckfax you sad little cretin. Go and post your ludicrous stories all over the web!

Yes, I probably was a bit annoyed since I have ‘better’ testosterone levels than you but all the physical and sexual sides. Plus you have posted a lot on HLT so you must have been aware of all of Mew’s warnings and the horror stories.

Anyway the main point I was making is that you seem to have got off lightly and could well benefit a lot from either a solid PCT or TRT. It’s quite easy to get the stuff required for a PCT and do it, bb’ers do it all the time.

monty it will not work. I am telling you it will not work. Our issue is not shut down. It is change in chemistry of our body. Rather go and have cystoscopy to see your prostate size if possible. What PCT is for? To bring TT to optimum level! right? if this is so then Why Awor who is on TRT pre and after fin is suffering? you go and swim in Testosterone river but I bet you will not get anything because body will not respond to T, like insulin resistance. I used to think like you when I was new here months ago, you can dig my old posts.
The only solution though partially, can be a prostate rebuilding I don’t know how. Sorry this is all my personal rumbling.


Interesting comment from someone who’s posted multiple page threads on his ‘condition’ on every hormone, bb and ‘penile enlargement’ forum. And I’m probably a lot bigger than you!

Sps, some guys do respond to TRT or clomid. Given that Monty has no brain fog, fatigue or any other physical effects, indeed only slight ED and poor libido, it could well be he will get at least some good response from boosting his own testosterone levels.

Firstly who said I wasn’t suffering fatigue, I am dragging my ass to the gym despite every fibre of being not wanting to. Secondly I’ll reiterate, I have a genetic condition which has rendered me deformed so I think it’s fair to say that keeping my hair was a little more inportant for me than say every other person on the planet. Thirdly, got off lightly? I have bottom range testosterone, hight estrogen, bottom range FSH, low LH, depression, fatigue, low thyroid and abnormal liver functioning. Did I mention I have sagittal synostosis as well.

Don’t fucking judge me, I’ve experienced enough shit to kill the soul of the average man twice!

monty I am collecting all the possible causes of our damage. I just found today on pubmed (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19154468)that saw palmetto and I believe fin and duts too act on mitochondria of the cells.

I just found that pyruvate can be good for mitochondrial repair like on sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W8G-4PCPFKJ-1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2007&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=682e4c8a4a18d7f54a7f478ea6f85376&searchtype=a

Just thought might be good for you.

Thankyou for your consideration. I will look into it!