Wellbutrin and Post-Fin syndrome

Hey brother, most studies point to impact on the hypothalamic system and dopamine system. Part of my rationale going this route was exactly over that info. This hasn’t made me worse and has helped in certain areas but isn’t a miracle drug. I’ve been on it for 7 weeks and my life has slightly improved in comparison to straight PFS with no solution.

Sorry for the late reply.

I ended up playing it safe and not taking any supplement or medication. Nothing’s improved either.

I’ve seen a Sexologist recently who suggested putting me on Wellbutrin, but reading the potential side effects is scaring me off.

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I understand the fear. I have been back on it for 4 months and has helped in some areas and no impact on others. I’m however not as depressed as I was which definitely makes me think the dopamine system for sure is impacted.

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Would you mind elucidating on which areas it’s specifically improved and which ones it didn’t?

Also, have you experienced any side effects (i.e. anxiety, agitation, anger, etc.)

Sure. Reminder that this reaction is not the same for everyone and I have had PFS for about 4 years now but took finasteride for 8 years.

Bottom line: my subjective well being has improved to about 80 percent but I’m not cured

Improved: depression, assertiveness, willingness to socialize with others, willingness to get stuff done in the house, weight loss, overthinking reduced, less desire for sweets, heart palpitations

Same: occasional anhedonia, sexual desire (still close to zero), digestion, tinnitus, sleep

Worse: occasional dry eyes which comes shortly after fap along with brain fog. Occasional anxiety. Risk taking as in my more risk aversive then before.

When I do nofap, I’ll have moments that I feel amazing.

Again not a cure and I’m maybe at 80 percent on my best days. My wife has giving me feedback that I am more helpful. Before I would mope around and have ZERO desire to live.

I also continue to monitor how it makes me feel because even a slight dip in the negative direction will make me quit.