Yesterday I was out with a family and the topic of how I’m doing and how therapy is going at the time came up. Honestly things are starting to look up but I also had undiagnosed health issues before all of this that even outside of it are starting to return to their old ways of inflicting endless neuro-psychiatric torment upon me on top of PTSD. Things are very rough right now still and life doesn’t seem to care either as the world rages on dragging me along with it.
They aren’t a bad person by any means and didn’t make it all about how they feel but they were upset about not being able to truely help me. There are things I can’t talk about with them at the moment I have issues with because I’m just not ready to and the rest of the situation is so complex that I couldn’t possibly break it down for them into anything simple that they’d be able to understand (they don’t have chronic illness or anything mentally crippling them, just a average healthy person for their age). So they have a very low understanding of the intersection of mental health and chronic illness where they think it can just be talked through and entirely solved. They key word is chronic, I can do things to live a more normal life but I have hard limits and progress moves very slowly. Yes therapy helps a bit but when I expressed that I’m largely doing well on my own in between he was upset because he thinks this maze can be navigated entirely by talking to someone and just working harder. He’s also upset that it’s moving so slow for me, not in selfish way like I said but still hurts to hear. The progress I made over the past however many months it’s been with this condition (the PFS part) has been massive (but you can’t really see that fro the outside or just by talking with me entirely) but now I have other elements too and I need to rebuild my life again from the ground up. This is probably going to take months before I’m even able to start being a lot more social and active again. I have so much on my plate and life will not stop piling on more with work and the other usual things life throws down the pipe for us to deal with. The pressure is enormous and I currently need a lot more alone time in between therapy to deal with it and get my life back on track more.
How do you people deal with situations like this with the family that do know about what you’re going through on the surface but can’t really wrap their head around it all leading sometimes accidentally harmful misconceptions about it? You can explain all day but in the end it’s like to talking to a wall with a motivational poster on it unfortunately when it comes to this. You’re doing all you can but it never feels like it’s enough.