Weird short term recovery?

Long story short. I used the drug a few weeks and have had long term side effects, increasing in severity over the last two years. The last 6 months I started to experience incredible groin discomfort, such that I went to my doctor and have been prescribed a course of benzodiazepine for relief. I haven’t tried the drug yet, but the last 3-4 days the pain has subdued and my libido has gone up. I know it’s only a few days and I shouldn’t get carried away, but what on earth causes these temporary remissions? Any one have this too? It suggests at least to me there’s [Size=4]hope[/size], because clearly my body is capable of functioning normally! If only it can be permanent…

our bodies are trolling us

Libido not as good now and numbness has returned.

Praise Merck.

How was the doctor’s visit Chris, did you see a proper urologist? I don’t think groin pains are a common symptom of PFS.

Hi dannyfc, I got prescribed some benzos (valium) but haven’t had the courage to take any yet. Maybe that’ll take away the pain but I just worry about taking these drugs. I guess I’m desperate.

Got the urologist in May.

My symptoms fluctuate so much and in such a manner that I strongly believe that all of my (and others’) sexual side effects are the result of a very severe hypersensitive form of CPPS/pelvic myoneuropathy.

The sensitivity and libido issues may just be caused by poor genital nerve function since blood flow to the nerve would be compromised. I am sure that there is feedback between the genital nerves and the sexual centres of the brain and those parts of the brain may only ‘turn on’ as much as the genital nerves can. And if there is no communication at all it could explain the zero libido. This would also affect erections. Although the ED issues would be multi-factorial - caused both by this ( nerve function and blood supply) and a venous leak/sealing issue due to enlarged veins.

However, symptoms don’t improve immediately once the pelvic floor relaxes. It actually takes some time after it relaxes (and the relaxation needs to be sustained) for symptoms to improve, but it does happen sometimes and explains the fluctuations.

I have read about people getting our same sexual symptoms from ecstasy, including zero libido, “curve to left,” shrinkage, ED, pelvic pain, and all of that other stuff. Some experience the same fluctuations we do.

But how would this explain muscle wastage, inability to build muscle even with high trt, lack of hairloss, lack of body odour, absence of oily skin.

It may well explain your condition, but dont feel the reasoning is enough to justify majority. PFS goes well beyond erectile dysfunction.

Muscle loss, fatigue, etc. are common with neurological disorders. Either directly or indirectly (often the HPA axis gets messed up, which can cause its own set of issues). CPPS can also cause low total and free T as well as testicular shrinkage. I have a varicoscele on the left side.

Lack of hair loss is not a symptom. Not everyone with hair loss is destined to go bald. Some lose a certain amount and it stops. I am still losing my hair. My grandpa was a norwood 3 by his 20s and it stayed like that until his 60s. It’s more common than you’d think.

I also think some symptoms are imaginary in some users. For example, I convinced myself I was losing body hair, but I’ve taken photos and there is no change. There is a thread on here in which guys are complaining of bone loss and i couldn’t notice any changes. It’s really a bad idea to accept every piece of information people on the internet mention. I doubt the researchers do either. I focus on the common ones a large number share and ignore the others.