Weird Outer Body Feelings

Guys, i regularly feel totally disassociated from life most days. During the daytime whether Im sat eating a meal, driving etc I just dont feel like the things around me are real. Its a bizarre feeling and hard to explain, its like i know what im doing or saying but like i looking down on myself from the corner of the room as i live through life.

Anybody else able to relate to this feeling?

Indeed. My disconnection from reality as well as my own species grows with each passing day. Work and day to day business are done reluctantly on some autopilot I wasn t aware I had. All non essential aspects of life have been dropped. I m honestly giving serious consideration to buying myself a decent yacht and spending my life sailing the world alone because right now this miserable grind ain t worth it.
This guy had it bad too but got back to himself after a few years. Mew’s friend I beleive.


Same here. I was hopeful that it was the meds I had been taking for sleep. I stopped taking them and got sleep last night without them. Today has been horrible. Totally disconnected. I have so much to be excited about in life but now I feel nothing. I’m weak and tired despite getting enough sleep. My vision has been terrible today. I want to end this but no one around me understands what I’m going through. This is worse then death.

Same. No connection between my body and mind and spirit. People looks like robot or paper to me. Im living in a virtual life.

Yeah this is very intense for me. All you can do is pretend everything is ok and no one will know.

Thanks guys, at least I know i’m not alone with the disassociation to reality, the world around me etc.

this is because of our libido emotions gone if we improve libido or cure every side effect gone

after i stopped the drug i felt this feeling of disconnection from my environment more often than now, but the feeling is still here